cannot create a server

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  • I logged in today after quite a while of not playing minecraft and tried to make a new server since there where no servers on my account, this did not work and now im stuck on an alt account and have been trying to create a server but its been sitting 'creating' for half an hour.

  • I logged in today after quite a while of not playing minecraft and tried to make a new server since there where no servers on my account, this did not work and now im stuck on an alt account and have been trying to create a server but its been sitting 'creating' for half an hour.

    You mean the loading server status after clicking on the start button?

    Reload the page and just wait patiently.

  • Update: would not load after 3 1/2 hours of loading this was after refreshing the page a few times, i think it would be easier, and faster to buy a dedicated server and run a modded minecraft server on that, while it would be more expensive, it seems like it would be worth the price difference from free to around $200 USD... and I am aware that making a server without a hosting service is a lot harder, I think its just easier than using a hosting service that doesn't work well enough to load at all.