Server crash on start up

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  • Server won't stop crashing upon start up, I am using the FTB Revelation pack, any suggestions?

    crash log:

    It works after several tries, but crashes later. After about an hour of trying to start the server, it finally works upon crashing several times to only be up for a couple of minutes to crash again.

    What can I do to avoid several crashes and restarts to try and create a stable server? Thank you, appreciated.

    a 2nd crash log:

    Edited 2 times, last by icarsis ().

  • You are running too many mods. Mods are unstable, and mods who interact With other mods are even worse. If you are planning on running mods, you WILL experience this in some form. I always suggest for players to instead of running a Heavy modpack, or tons of mods: Identify what core mods you want, add them and check to see if it runs ok. Find what mods would be Nice to have, and add them a few at the times while ensuring its still playable. Lastly I will paste a Wall-Of-Text concerning mods and modpacks that the team and helpers use on discord:

    If you are using mods, and the server wont start, then it is most likely a broken mod, or maybe one of your mods need a support mod. So, to fix a modded server not starting, check you logs if there is a broken mod, then just delete that particular mod. However, if you are using a modpack, there is not much you can do, since you can not delete a separate mod in the modpack.
    A mod/modpack might run just fine when you started to use it. But it can break at any time. Some might not even start. Cause the more you use it, the more RAM you need, and since aternos has a RAM limit (Cant rly complain, its free) it will eventually give up and start to crash.
    We always try to get the best possible balance between our limited resources (since we are free and we don't want to change that) and the best performance. Especially for modpacks, this is really hard to achieve. We test the modpacks in our system to ensure that they are at least starting and that basic playing is possible. Because modpacks are always a bit different and the load on our host systems is also always different we cannot guarantee anything here. But we decided to still offer modpacks on our platform because we want to offer as many options to customise your server as possible and most of the modpacks are pretty playable most of the time.

    Norwegian Discord helper.

    Have decent knowledge about modded and minecraft in general on the JAVA version.

    Please respect my privacy. Dont PM me, dont friendrequest me, and dont @mention me when in discord.

    Enjoy playing on Aternos and have a great time!

  • Roman

    Closed the thread.