Help!!! Mob Spawner Not Working

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  • On my server, I created a mob farm using the design from this video -->

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    Just to be sure, I tested it out on a super flat world and it worked with amazing rates. I was convinced, so I built one on my server. It didn't work and I built it exactly as I did in the super flat world. I built the farm over an ocean to help the spawn rate of the farm, but nothing. I checked F3 and it appears there are only 4 entities within the loaded chunks, none of which are mobs from the farm. So far I haven't gotten a single spawn and this is frustrating because I spent so much time and materials on this project. Help?

  • Is it on a difficulty other then peaceful? Are you sure you made it exactly like the video and the one you tested out in superflat. Made it over an ocean with no land near by or caves under it? (For best spawn rates). Did mobs even spawn on the ice? Do you have plugins that might make mobs stop spawning?

  • Yes. The server is on Normal difficulty with mobs set as enabled. There is no land near the spawner, although I'm not sure about the caves. But even if I didn't know about possible caves, the entity count is only at four. And for the floor I used cobblestone spawning pads not packed ice, but why would that matter? No plugins, just regular 1.8.3

    I have also changed the platforms to packed ice but still nothing. I've looked up other forum posts similar to this, but I have already done everything that was suggested. If anyone could get back to me on this topic, that would be helpful.

    Edited once, last by Andreas ().

  • Roman

    Closed the thread.