Server keeps crashing after saving on startup.
[00:55:22] [main/WARN]: Error loading class: net/fabricmc/fabric/api/client/networking/v1/ClientPlayNetworking (java.lang.RuntimeException: Cannot load class net.fabricmc.fabric.api.client.networking.v1.ClientPlayNetworking in environment type SERVER) |
I keep getting this message every time.
I'm horrid at reading logs but it's seemingly something to do with fabrics API.
I've tried to switch versions around, even getting rid of it and re-adding ive also messed around with mods and everything else I can think of.
I have the exact same set up and it works just fine in a singleplayer world, just for some reason it doesn't want to translate to server.
I normally don't ask about these things unless I'm really stumped. After all the forum is filled with these kinds of reports. However none of them quite match the issue im having. Is there a bug I'm not aware of? Something I over looked that I was too blind to see? I can provide more information if needed. Mods, versions, etc.
A little help would be appreciated. I am lost.