also try contacting them on email: [email protected]
if u have backups, and access to your google account that was linked to the server, then u can restore server using backups
Learn more about this change here.
For help regarding Aternos, we recommend you to visit our support center.
also try contacting them on email: [email protected]
if u have backups, and access to your google account that was linked to the server, then u can restore server using backups
So i made a ticket in the aternos support and it seems that nobody answered yet , Its been like an hour or hour and half but no body responded , My problem was that i forgot my account/server password and i didnt have an email , Also i know everything in the server from operators , All the players that joined that world , And anything done in the world itself but i cant remember the password , Can i do anything about it
The support are slow to reply
You can recover your account if you have the support token, i guess
Check if you have the same mods installed on ur pc, and if they have the same version
I think the source of the crash is an addon that makes chopping trees easier by destroying the whole tree down which wasn't used this time when it crashed, according to my server's content logs ( In the content logs, it keeps writing errors and that it's a slow-running script. I turned on Holiday Creator Features and Gametest Framework for this addon so it works properly. Here's what my server's logs says about the crash:
Bedrock Edition 1.19.20
report it to mojang, not to aternos
Hello Staff Members.
I am currently running an aternos server with Fabric 1.19.1 and the server tps is really really low.
It stays in the range of 5-10.
Is there any fix possible such that I can get some lag free gaming experience.
ofc, it will be low, 1.17 fabric server uses 3-4 gb of ram, 1.19.1 will use even more
aternos is a free hosting that can't provide more than 2 gb of ram for free
if u want it to not be laggy:
1. Downgrade ur server to lower versions
2. Delete all unused worlds/mods
3. Use exaroton (paid and official version of aternos) because it allows u to select how much ram ur server needs
Way 1:
Stop using 1.19.1 or 1.19.2
Way 2:
Install NoChatReports plugin (idk if it is on aternos)
Way 3:
Use 1.18.2 papermc with viaversion plugin
do you rent the dedicated servers from OVH?
What aternos is hosted on? Or it is self-hosted?
What servers (vps, etc) does aternos server run on?
a user helped me with an error which was Internal Exception:io.netty. the user told me to use the dynip, which i did but the error showed up again. Do i have to use the dynip again?
dynip will change everytime after server restart
You can't delete your thread in the serverlist.
and 24/7 option
They will never add 24/7 cuz its free hosting
Option 1:
1.check if you have nether enabled in settings
check if you have end enabled in bukkit.yml (allow-end must be true in bukkit.yml)
2. if they are not enabled - enable them
3. restart your server
if this didn't help do option 2
Option 2:
WARNING: IT will reset the end and nether
1. install multiverse core
2. and type
/mv create world_nether nether - to generate nether
/mv create world_the_end end - to generate end
install authme, and some antibot plugin lol
What is the worst aternos server?
It says the main error is
08May2022 12:42:03.614] [main/FATAL] [net.minecraftforge.fml.loading.RuntimeDistCleaner/DISTXFORM]: Attempted to load class net/minecraft/client/player/LocalPlayer for invalid dist DEDICATED_SERVER 296
[08May2022 08:14:51.009] [main/WARN] [net.minecraft.server.Main/]: Failed to load datapacks, can't proceed with server load. You can either fix your datapacks or reset to vanilla with --safeMode |