btw my aternos account name is ScribbleChips and the two servers I tried are and also
Posts by ScribbleChips
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Hi Aternos its me again. So I was supposed to have the date today but for some reason, she's not able to join. Every time she tries to join, the server keeps shutting off. The problem is that it's only her. When my friend joins, it's perfectly fine. She has all the correct mods, mod versions, and client verion but it still won't work. I even tried moving the world file to another aternos server but it still keeps crashing. Please message back ASAP. Thank you.
Okay it’s whatever. Thank you for understanding. I didn’t actually expect a response so I appreciate that.
Hello Aternos! I am requesting a mod to be added to a server. Now wait before you say anything, I have a reason for asking this. So, a bit of backstory. I recently got together with someone from school and we both happen to play Minecraft. I was thinking about setting up something similar to a date on an Aternos server. So, me and my friend created a mod to go with the date. Only problem is, we can't upload custom mods to Aternos. I tried uploading the mod to curseforge which it got approved but the mod is still not popular enough. This is literally the thing that is stopping the date from being perfect. I hope you guys at Aternos will consider approving the mod. If you want to check out the mod, here is the link Project Amour - Mods - Minecraft - CurseForge. It is a simple, harmless mod that adds some food to Minecraft. Thank you and I hope to hear from you guys soon!