Posts by SerbiXD

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    Hello. I wanted to make a server that has the Galactic Science modpack. I searched in the mods list BUT I ONLY FOUND TWEAKS FOR IT?? What the heck?? Also, when I tried to request the modpack thru the thing it said that it doesn't get updates anymore. Then why are the tweaks still there? This is absurd.

    P.S. add the galactic science modpack

    -I don't have any browser add-ons
    -There is NO network filter installed in my home network. I have checked.
    I don't think you are truly looking into this, it seems like when you find something with "adblocker" you just say the same thing over and over. network filter network filter network filter browser add-on browser add-on browser add-on

    More images with ads

    I get ads (from other sources than exaroton) every time I go on the site. The adblocker warning also appears every 5 seconds or so (on the same page, not switching from worlds to backups or other pages). The last time I had made such a post ( it wasn't taken as a problem, but as some annoying thing that has an easy fix. It wasn't. The last post was answered by a helper which told me that I only saw exaroton ads, which was FALSE. In the first image you can clearly see at the bottom of the screen an ad for online games (from the other post). Also, I do not have any extensions. and I'm using Google Chrome.