Posts by MasterOfMuppets

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    Hi! I was trying to build in a small scale all the biomes from Minecraft on a large cave on my :aternos: server when it suddenly crashed. I serched up inside the server log and the problem tourned out to be this: " The entity "Bee" at the location (coordinates) is causing issues while ticking "

    The server itself proposed to remove the bee as a solution but the problem is that everytime I tried to enter to the server, it is shuted down due to the "bee crash". To be honest, I dont know what to do. Thanks for reading me and hope you have a nice day :)

    Hi! I have an :aternos: Aternos Server with my girlfriend with over 50 mods. We started playing without knowing that we missed to uploud the 51th mod: Decocraft. We are trying to uploaded via TLMODS with no success. We manage to downloaded via TL files but the server cannot run it, popping up this message on the screen:

    Server Mods rejections:

    Decocraft: Requieres version but mod is not found on client.

    Could someone help me please? Thanks! Have a nice day! :)