Posts by loulou2442

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    Can you guys add this plugin -->▶-punishmentgui-litebansgui-advancedban-more-◀-1-8-1-19-x-fully-customizable.52072/

    The link above is a plugin that is always up to date with the current Minecraft version and is very popular. It has over 30,000 downloads. The plugin is very customizable. The other punishment guis are either outdated or is not supported anymore.

    I tried to suggest it in the section but can't because it says can't add external websites. Even though it is external website can you guys please add it? It is a very good punish plugin that supports the popular ban plugins such as AdvancedBans (Over 500,000 downloads)

    Dear Staff Team, I was wondering if there will be a server deletions day that will delete a server if the account has been inactive for two years. The reason I am asking this is because there is probably many inactive accounts that don't even start their servers and have good server ip address names. All the unique server ip address names are taken. Every possible name I can think of for my server ip address is taken. This frustrates me because I know for a fact there are a lot of inactive accounts that don't even use the aternos service anymore. Aternos was created in 2013 and this year is 2022. Soon to be 2023.

    Thank you for responding to my post Julian. I see you posted a link for plugin suggestions. I did that before posting this post. It gives me this message "This can only be downloaded via an external website.". My question was is it possible to add the plugin like you did with EssentialsX and Citizens2. Those plugins had external websites which are not in the support websites list and wanted to know if you could do the same with Crazy Crates.

    Dear Staff Team,

    I know that there are a limited amount of supported websites for plugin downloads but I just wanted to know if you guys can add Crazy Crates plugin on SpigotMC. The one that is currently downloadable is a discontinued and outdated version of Crazy Crates (1.16). The latest release of Crazy Crates version is 1.19 and has more features than the outdated one. This plugin is really essential like EssentialsX which is downloaded from an external website and that is not in the support websites list. I know that external websites are not supported but EssentialsX is currently downloadable from which is not in the supported websites list. And that got me thinking you could do the same with Crazy Crates. Here is the link to the plugin,