Hi Everyone!
This is a Aternos Plugin Highlights!
Copied from Sky_Playz_Gamez
I am Sorry
Lets Continue
Plugins - 20
#20 - SkinRestorer - This is a Ultimate Skin Plugin for Cracked players! no need for premium players!
#19 - PowerRanks - One of the most Easiest rank plugins ever! Just need to config and Finished!
#18 - Max Bans - One of the most powerful banning plugins ever! use it!
#17 - Staff+ - This is the ultimate moderation plugin ever for staffs
#16 - StaffList - A Plugin which puts a staff list! just add a staff and do /staff and you will see the staffs!
#15 - SkyWarsX - Best SkyWars Plugin!
#14 - BedWars - Best BedWars Plugin!
#13 - EggWars - Best EggWars Plugin!
#12 - PermissionsEX - The Most Popular Ranks Plugin Ever!
#11 - GroupManager - Similar to Pex but its easy to use
#10 - ApplyMC - Best Applying Plugin Ever! Just do /apply and your done!
#9 - CratesPlus - Best Crates Plugin!
#8 - ColoredTags - Best Plugin For Putting Tags Into Your Staff/Players
#7 - DiscordSRV - Hard to use but its a good plugin to chat on discord and it chats on your server, idk how to use it :{
#6 - AdminFun - Best Trolling Plugin!
#5 - EssentialsX - A Updated Plugin, same as essentials but essentials only works at 1.7.10 but this plugin works 1.8-1.12!
#4 - WorldGuard - Best Plugin To Guard Your Own World!
#3 - WorldEdit - Best Plugin Lets You To Edit Your World
#2 - CleanRoomGenerator - A Plugin Which Needs Multiverse To Make Your World Clean And Edit It and you can also make a void with it
#1 - ClearLag - Best Plugin To Clear Your Lag!
Please Dont Delete This
I Did All My Hard Work On This
My Hands now
Kind Regards
- ItsMeHussain
Posts by ItsMeHussain
Learn more about this change here.
For help regarding Aternos, we recommend you to visit our support center.
A Plugin Request is not like this
Before you create your request, you should read this --> How to write a (good) plugin/modpack/mod request -
You don't have to notify me of everything you know.
I am Helping
Check your Console Log!
Also.... I Suggest you to add:
- KitAdder {Works Fine}
- EssentialsX {Has the /createkit command, just do /createkit <name> <delay>}
These will work fine!
- KitBattle -
The Aternos Team will remove it since its in a .sk file
Sorry, Outdated!
Any plugin which is Not Updated/Old for 10 months means its outdated and wont get added -
External Site - Yes!
EDIT: Aternos cant add plugins which are from an External Site -
No people! use it! i love it its super popular and so easy to use so pls use it! dont trust Mr. Boat
PowerRanks?!?! Its super easy to use! Its also my favourite ranks plugin! I use it and i have 46 Ranks in the plugin
The amount of time you leave, the more it will be!
It's all magic.
The waiting time is estimated and in no way guaranteed as it depends on how servers get stopped and resources get free for new users.
We don't have the waiting time to annoy users to pay for something, it's just that we have limited resources and if they are full, everybody
else has to wait in the queue to guarantee a fair system.The estimated time is calculated with the difference between the waiting time of the user that is currently first in queue (server is started
next) and your waiting time. In our experience this generates a pretty good estimated value, getting more and more accurate the further you
advance through the queue.And yes the waiting time depends obviously heavily on the community and its growth. In the last years we have increased our server resources
nearly every month to meet the needs, but we have to stay in our financial possibilities. We had times I think ca. 1 year ago where the queue
sometimes exceeded 2 hours, so 30 minutes or more in the peak times is pretty good for us and I think also okay for a free server. -
Hi Aternos Team
Can you please add the Following plugins?
Plugin Name - EZBlock
Plugin Name - Prison
Download Link - Click Me!
Download Link - Click Me!
Description - EZBlocks allows you to keep track of and reward players based on how many blocks they mine per tool and globally.
Description - Have you ever wanted to make a Prison server, but got confused over all the plugins you had to download? And when a plugin breaks, it's a hassle to find out what went wrong? Or maybe you don't want to invest the hours in finding plugins that work and then configuring each separately? Well then, Prison is for you. -
AllowOPs: True!
so you can have all perms! -
1st. I dont know how to do that, i dont have it on my server but my server is still in Beta!
2nd. you need Multiverse-Portals and Multiverse -
Она может быть добавлена
1st. You can access to the Pex config file! if you cant then the aternos team will check!
Sorry, Outdated!
did it work?
It can be Added!
Have a nice day with your plugin! -
i changed it into "ItsMeHussain" and i hit save and nothing worked!