Hello Can you add the follow mod pls:
Name and Link: More Overlays
Description: This mod adds some of the overlays from NEI
Thank you for your time
Posts by harold251
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Hello aternos team can you add the following mod.
Name and Link: KeyBored Wizard
Description: Keyboard Wizard is a mod helps with solving key conflicts and finding unbound keys. It adds an "extra" controls gui that displays an interactive keyboard in the center -
Hello Aternos I Requested this mod and it said you added it but when i go look for it its not there I don't if you didn't put the name as Simple Teleporters or something but I am requesting it again soo yea
Name: Simple Teleporters
Link: https://minecraft.curseforge.com/projects/simple-teleporters
description: Simple Teleporters adds a craftable teleporter block to quickly travel your world!
So yea sorry for requesting this again but it didn't get added after it said added
Thread: [Mod Request] Simple Teleporters
There's the thread link if you want to look at my other thread. again sorry for requesting again I didn't know what to do
Hey aternos Can you add this mod?
Name:Simple Teleporters
link: https://minecraft.curseforge.com/projects/simple-teleporters
description: Simple Teleporters adds a craftable teleporter block to quickly travel your world....Well That's not much but its useful
[MOD REQUEST] Hello Can you please add this mod if you can
Link: https://minecraft.curseforge.com/projects/end-reborn
This mod improves the end, adds a lot of different things to the endermen, and continues the story of the player.
Mod adds a lot of versatile things, from tools to decorative blocks.
- New Materials.
- New Food.
- New Armor .
- New Crops.
- New Ore.
- New Advancements.
- Decorative Blocks.
- And More...
[FurturePack Mod] Please add this mod
Link: https://minecraft.curseforge.com/projects/futurepack
description: giving you a futuristic environment, research and space travel. The mod brings you to far worlds and allows you to use your custom designed spaceship. You generate power from mysterious crystals and build your futuristic city, while you are able to research continuously new technologies.
Note: it says this is a mod but when i started typing this thread I got confused and i was thinking is it a modpack or a mod i believe its a mod so yea.
This Plugin Is added in aternos you don't need to request it
DESCRIPTION: Hey aternos can add this plugin Building Tools this plugin add different cool building block and a building tool its a cool plugin so can you add it.LINK: https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/building-tools.6157/
MESSAGE: Aternos I love your websit its awesome thanks for making it I use it to play with my friends all the time!!
Hey Aternos team I want essentials chat
but its not a downloadso it comes in the essentials bundle and its a cool plugin and you need it for permissonsEx you have permissionEx that plugin wont work with out essentials chat so I don't know if you could download it to get essentials chat
download this https://dev.bukkit.org/projects/essentials and then open up the file or winrar file and get essentials chat out of it thats how you get it so yeayou probly wont get it but i had to try thanks for you time
Aternos team can you add this plugin
Name and link:WorldGuard
thanks Please add it its a vary good plugin
This Plugin Protects your spawn you need worldedit it to use so yea
Aternos team can you add this plugin please
Name & ink:ClearChat
This plugin us usefull because you can clear you chat
please add this plugin
Aternos team can you add this plugin idk if its outdated so here it is
Name and link:Dynmap-TownyThis plugin is a town plugin you can create a town add players to it and it fun so if you could add it that would be great
Sorry I forgot the link
Hey aternos team can you add this plugin please
Name:Trouble in Terrorist Town
This plugin is like murder mystery And i would be so happy if you can add it but if you can't that fine
Aternos team thanks so much for adding plugins making this free server websit your the best
Link:https://www.spigotmc.org/resou…tiarena-bungeecord.34151/ sorry i forgot to put the link
I don't know if this plugin will work but can you add this plugin
name:Towny Advanced
In this plugin you can create a town and its fun so can you get it please?
Your the best free server i have ever seen
Hello Aternos team can you add this plugin please
Name: Capture the Flag
I don't know if its outdated so yea this plugin is capture the flag it a cool minigame plugin
please add this
Note:Hey aternos team your awesome thanks for making a free server websit thanks so much now me and my friends can play with plugins
Hello Aternos team can you add this plugin
description:This plugin tps players to a random place in the worldplease add this plugin
Hey its me again
Can you add this minigame plugin
link:click the CTF for link
description: This is a minigame its called Capture the flag:) you should know itplease add it
Hey Aternos team its me again
Name:Paintball War Edition
Description:This is a minigame its a paintball in minecraft please add this
link:https://dev.bukkit.org/projects/paintball_pure_war -
Hey Aternos team Please add this plugin
description:This Plugin is a minigame plugin called merder mystery and i would be so happy if you added this plugin