Currently You are not facing a problem, you are facing something that you do not understand well, Here the versions are for all versions recomended to do the latest otherwise you will face a real problem, make sure you got the plugins needed aswell to make the plugin work other wise you will face a issue
You are facing an real issue maybe depends on the version you are playing on java server is java but he is in bedrock, Install Geyser for bedrock and java if not then you are currently facing a real issue and should contant support because i have not much experience on these types of issue.
It depends on the version you are using if ur 1.19 add ViaBackwards if less than 1.8.9 add ViaVersion.
And yes forgot to mention when you said "so if anyone knows what the best smp plugin with commands like life steal with the right version please tell me."
Any Life steal plugin has a command i have infact tried it exept if i have not known for it i have only tried the ones that i know, when you say the "with the right version please tell me."
Any version is possible if i am not mistaken.(Doesn't support old version I think I dont quite know]