Contact PlaceholderAPI or Vault support.
Learn more about this change here.
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Contact PlaceholderAPI or Vault support.
first i use 1.19.4 and if you want log you have it in #21
i want to make money with vault and simple scoreboard only why here dont work
and how do it?
that is big problem
Download the world, delete all the contents of the server, Lifting the world and the problem will be solved
i use vault to make money i scoreboard (simplescore)
that dont work
I do scoreboard with money, player, online players on server
I want to make money in scoreboard (all tutorials make it in placeholder api)
Now placeholder API cant load Vault
oh yes, but that too dont work
i tried that
but i tried tha and that is error too
i dont find news than 1.7.1
if i use that then is unknow error
Because you don't have Vault installed.
but how it install, or what install
what i need do?
in expansions i have it
but i install with
/papi ecloud download Vault
Cannot load expansion vault due to a missing plugin: Vault
[10:32:03 INFO]: Time elapsed: 1905 ms
[10:32:03 INFO]: [PlaceholderAPI] Enabling PlaceholderAPI v2.11.4-DEV-null
[10:32:04 INFO]: [PlaceholderAPI] Fetching available expansion information...
[10:32:04 INFO]: [SimpleScore] Enabling SimpleScore v3.12.2
[10:32:05 INFO]: [SimpleScore] It looks like your server doesn't have ProtocolLib, install ProtocolLib for even better performance and compatibility with other plugins.
[10:32:05 INFO]: [SimpleScore]
[10:32:05 INFO]: [PlaceholderAPI] Successfully registered expansion: SimpleScore [3.12.2]
[10:32:05 INFO]: [PlaceholderAPI] Placeholder expansion registration initializing...
[10:32:05 INFO]: Starting GS4 status listener
[10:32:05 INFO]: Thread Query Listener started
[10:32:05 INFO]: Query running on
[10:32:05 INFO]: JMX monitoring enabled
[10:32:05 INFO]: Running delayed init tasks
[10:32:05 WARN]: [PlaceholderAPI] Cannot load expansion vault due to a missing plugin: Vault
[10:32:05 INFO]: 0 placeholder hook(s) registered!
[10:32:05 INFO]: Done (19.796s)! For help, type "help"
[10:32:05 INFO]: Timings Reset
[10:33:09 INFO]: UUID of player AdiDLorginal is 439b865f-4e4c-4117-b5e7-b227221b2f41
[10:33:09 INFO]: AdiDLorginal joined the game
[10:33:09 INFO]: AdiDLorginal[/] logged in with entity id 225 at ([world]229.43385237814093, 117.53803383636165, -18.488289896478392)
[10:33:26 INFO]: AdiDLorginal issued server command: /papi ecloud download Vault
[10:33:26 INFO]: [PlaceholderAPI] Fetching available expansion information...
[10:33:32 INFO]: AdiDLorginal issued server command: /papi reload
[10:33:32 INFO]: [PlaceholderAPI] Placeholder expansion registration initializing...
[10:33:32 INFO]: [PlaceholderAPI] Fetching available expansion information...
[10:33:32 WARN]: [PlaceholderAPI] Cannot load expansion vault due to a missing plugin: Vault
what log?
/papi ecloud download Vault
/papi reload
i do it, but dont work, i have version 1.8.1
minecraft version 1.18.2, i tried on 1.19.4 but dont work too
Hello, i want to make server, but i cant make money, i use placeholder api and in that vault. My scoreboard is SimpleScore, in that i use %vault_eco_balance% and that dont work.