Hi Aternos Team, can you please add the following plugin?
Plugin name: Custom Help
Plugin link: dev.bukkit.org/projects/custom-help
Description: You can even create custom help commands, like /staff that display any text.
Thank you!
Posts by androoldgame
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Hi Aternos Team, can you please add the following plugin?
Plugin name: Custom Unknown Message
Plugin link: dev.bukkit.org/projects/customunknowncommandmessage
Description: Set your own message that displays when a user types in an Unknown Command!
Thank you! -
Hi Aternos Team, can you please add the following plugin?
Plugin name: Custom Permission Messages
Plugin link: www.spigotmc.org/resources/custom-permission-messages.1009/
Description: This plugin allows you to set custom permissions for commands or chat messages and customize the error message.
Thank you! -
Hi Aternos Team, can you please add the following plugin?
Plugin name: CustomHelpMessage 1.6
Plugin link: www.spigotmc.org/resources/customhelpmessage.3481/
Description: Set a custom message for /help & /?
Thank you! -
Hi Aternos Team, can you please add the following plugin?
Plugin name: Lockette
Plugin link: dev.bukkit.org/projects/lockette
Description: Lockette v1.8.x - UUID supported, The sign-based container and door lock for Bukkit!
Thank you! -
Hai Aternos Team, can you please add the following plugin?
Plugin name: DailyRewards free rewards everyday
Plugin link: www.spigotmc.org/resources/dai…veryday-1-8-1-11-2.38974/
Description: Get one reward per day, more you connect higher the rewards are!
Thank you! -
Hi Aternos Team, can you please add the following plugin?
Plugin name: Gui Sign Shop [1.11] [UPDATED!]
Plugin link: www.spigotmc.org/resources/gui-sign-shop-1-11-updated.19133/
Description: This plugin allows you to easily create buy/sell shops for your server! Just place a sign with an appropriate format and right click it!
Thank you! -
Hi Aternos Team, can you please add the following plugin?
Plugin name: Monthly Rewards
Plugin link: www.spigotmc.org/resources/monthly-rewards.17240/
Description: Ever wanted to reward your donators (or anyone else) with a monthly reward? The monthly reward resets on the 1st of each month and the player will be able to use it again. Everything is customisable! From sounds heard when the reward is used, to permission error messages, already used messages, inventory name and much more.
Thank you! -
Hi Aternos Team, can you please add the following plugin?
Plugin name: Mention [1.11, 1.10, 1.8, 1.9] - BEST WAY TO GAIN ATTENTION 1.1
Plugin link: www.spigotmc.org/resources/men…-to-gain-attention.38651/
Thank you! -
Hi Aternos Team, can you please add the following plugin?
Plugin name: Mentions - UPDATED - FULL RELEASE 2.0
Plugin link: www.spigotmc.org/resources/men…dated-full-release.22381/
Description: This is my first resource on spigot, so let's see how this works out. Today I have made a little plugin that allows you to see if your name is mentioned in chat. I thought it would be pretty nifty and maybe some people may find this useful.
Thank you! -
Hi Aternos Team, can you please add the following plugin?
Plugin name: Mentions
Plugin link: www.spigotmc.org/resources/mentions.28036/
Description: This is a very small, simple and lightweight plugin that should work as intended right out of the box, but at the same time offering options to configure every aspect to your liking. It allows your players to @Mention each other or the entire server using the @Everyone mention. The mention sign, sound, and other options are all 100% configurable so you can make it suit your server perfectly.
Thank you! -
Hi Aternos Team, can you please add the following plugin?
Plugin name: Dungeon Maze
Plugin link: dev.bukkit.org/projects/dungeon-maze
Description: Dungeon Maze is a world generator for Minecraft, it's a CraftBukkit plugin. Dungeon Maze generates an infinite world with a lot of cool and strange stuff in it. The world contains 7 layers of epicness, each layer does have different content. All the layers contains a lot of Monsters, but also a lot of treasures. It's a very cool map to explore with some friends. Give it a try! Will you survive? Check out the announcement trailer bellow!
Thank you! -
Hi Aternos Team, can you please add the following plugin?
Plugin name: @Mention
Plugin link: www.spigotmc.org/resources/mention.18076/
Description: @Mention gives you ability to mention players in chat using only the "@" character. It's fully customizable! The plugin uses fancy JSON configurations built in Minecraft 1.8 and higher. It should be compatible with most of the plugins out there.
Thank you! -
[Blocked Image: https://media-elerium.cursecdn.com/avatars/69/45/636163154132857869.png]
How to make mention in chat like this?
Sorry, I do not know
Hi Aternos Team, can you please add the following plugin?
Plugin name: Rewards++
Plugin link: www.spigotmc.org/resources/rew…ards-possibilities.23383/
Description: This plugin allows players to get reward
Thank you! -
Hi Aternos Team, can you please add the following plugin?
Plugin name: ChatAlert
Plugin link: dev.bukkit.org/projects/chatalert
Description: ChatAlert v1.5 now supports Essentials nickname tagging. Please make a copy of your config.yml and then delete the original one and let it regenerate with new options.
Thank you!