Hello Aternos Team,
can you please add the Modpack "The Crack Pack"?
Link to the modpack: https://www.technicpack.net/modpack/the-crack-pack-technic.1025138
The crack pack is a modpack that was made to be as crazy and wild as possible while still holding some sort of structure/sanity. It contains mods like Natura, Flans and others. I Apologize for requesting it again but the first one got denied and so i have remedied the issueThank you!
Posts by Xxjustin300xX
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Hello Aternos Team,
can you please add the Mods "Help Fixer", "JJ Races", "Progression" and "Custom Starter Gear"?
Links to the mods: Custom Starter Gear, Progression, JJ Races, HelpFixerCustom Starter Gear allows you to create custom starting gear loadouts as well as kits that can be obtained later. Progression allows for easy Tech Tree creation with custom requirements and rewards that are mod friendly. JJ Races lets players choose a race as well as gender of said race and other characteristics that add further RPG-style customization. HelpFixer fixes the "an unknown error occured" problem with the /help command when many mods with many commands are present.
I apologize if this has too many mods in it, the example/how-to page did say not to make more than one thread and to just put a few into one if you have more than one request
Thank you!
Hello Aternos Team,
can you please add the Modpack "The Crack Pack"?
Link to the modpack: https://www.technicpack.net/modpack/optllizers-pack.1025138
The crack pack is a modpack that was made to be as crazy and wild as possible while still holding some sort of structure/sanity. It contains mods like Natura, Flans and othersThank you!
Hello Aternos Team,
can you please add the Mod "Tinkers Meckworks"?
Link to the mod: https://minecraft.curseforge.com/projects/tinkers-mechworks
Tinkers' Mechworks is an addon to Tinker's Construct which adds extra blocks and machinery that allows for really neat and tidy redstone builds as well as better hidden doors and dissapearing walls -
Hello Aternos Team,
can you please add the Mod "Metriod Cubed 3"?
Link to the mod: https://minecraft.curseforge.com/projects/metroid-cubed-3
Metroid Cubed 3 is a mod that adds many blocks, items and even some mobs from the Metroid Prime trilogy such as, The Varia Suit and its many upgrades, Space Pirate weaponry, Galactic Federation weapons and armor, powerups such as missiles, missile upgrades, beam upgrades and all sorts of goodies. it can even be combined with Galacticraft to allow you to use the Hunter Gunship to fly to other planets. it DOES however require a coremod called Item and Block API. i will include the link to that in another mod request IF this is accepted and if i am asked to -
holy cow, i just realised there was a Curse version of this modpack and its already here on aternos, sorry about that fellas! hope i dident cause any trouble
[Modpack Request] Haoshern's Updated Pack
Hello Aternos Team,
can you please add the Modpack "Haoshern's Updated Pack"?
Link to the modpack: https://www.technicpack.net/mo…erns-updated-pack.1161686
There was once a thread already made for this modpack a while back, but it was denied due to lack of a server version. i have talked with the author and he has made it a server version. This modpack has all sorts of wonderfull aspects for a server, the biggest one being FTBUtilities, allowing for a Factions like system.
Thank you! -
Hello Aternos Team,
can you please add the Modpack "A Magical Masterpiece"?
Link to the modpack: https://www.technicpack.net/mo…gical-masterpiece.1233038
This modpack happens to actually be a masterpiece in my opinion, its got plenty of magic and it has its own version of Factions but in mod form. This modpack would be PERFECT for having a server and i would very much appreciate if i was able to do so with your services.
Thank you!
[Modpack Request] Arcania Worlds
Hello Aternos Team,
can you please add the Modpack "Arcania Worlds"?
Link to the modpack: https://www.technicpack.net/modpack/arcania-worlds.1230238
Arcania Worlds is a modpack i made myself and would like to be able to use your services to host a server on it. i know the instructions said the modpack has to be popular/wellknown but i already have a fan base ready in my discord. Things cant really take off for this without the server though, and so thats why i would like to see this go.
Thank you!