Posts by Jalos02

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    It would be a nice idea if the players that play a lot on the various servers were rewarded in some way / receive a plaque of "honor" as a very active player. The service could also be connected to the various social networks of Aternos as a discord and this site. And also (as Matthias suggested) to use a plugin to reward the players who vote, but since there are no php plugins connected to the future server site, Aternos' programmer staff could create a plugin on all versions so that even my previous idea comes to life. I know you have to spend time and money on it, but hey, mine is just an idea because when I become attached to something (in this case Aternos) I give my maximum (which in this case is nothing unfortunately) to help. I know it has nothing to do with the question, but I wanted to emphasize it. Then you could also create servers belonging to official Aternos in various ways in the Java and bedrock versions managed by Moderators who want to commit themselves to this idea and carry it forward, maybe have these servers built by users under the command of a Builder who manages the work and takes away players who do not help or even worse destroy. I repeat: they are all wholesale jobs, but nothing feasible if one commits oneself.

    P.Š. (I write some bad things because I'm Italian and I help with Google translate, I'm sorry but not everything is grammatically correct )

    Thanks :aternos:Thanks of <3

    It would be nice if they were all servers, divided between minigames, survival, PvP, modpack ... with tags, set by a filter, and a system that allows players to restart the servers (obviously the server owner must decide whether to activate this function ), so that in the mini-game servers or in the common vanilla, the players can enter and play all together, perhaps with their friends. And the more user-initiated servers could be constantly created online by Aternos staff and receive a memory boost so that all players can play and have fun. I hope users appreciate my idea.:aternos::):thumbup:

    I would like to recommend plugins to be edition. This plugin keeps track of plugins like vote rewards and pure perms permissions are immediately added once a certain point is reached. It is useful because the rank up plugin has not been updated This plugin is used to view a player's remaining life, useful for PvP As the name says it is a private chat for the admin, the moderators and all the rest of the staff The custom allerts plugin serves to create customizable alerts that can be sent to all staff such as: Player is using hacks Magic TelePortal is a teleportation plugin, useful if you want to make a minigame server or a realm where everyone has their own home This plugin creates iron doors that can only be opened with certain objects. It is useful to be able to make private places but open to the public if given the access key, or for rewards As the name implies, it censors As the name implies, it censors inappropriate words in chats that can be modified from the yml file This plugin is used to create a prison where players can sell the materials obtained It is another plugin that serves for the prison, in a few words it recharges a preset zone after a certain time. It is a very simple plugin that you need to be able to use & instead of § to color the text in chat

    And these plugins, on the other hand, are not of poggit, but of another site famous for Mcpe plugin…/inventoryexchanger.1764/ This plugin is used to have different inventories in each world, useful if you have multiple modes on the same server This plugin is used to have a quick shop through a chest, very convenient for a faction lobby for example. Similar to a plugin presented before it serves to create rank for example the prison

    I would also like to ask for add-ons for ScoreHud, which alone is quite useless They are additional components available on GitHub (the link is on poggit to the plugin These addons are needed to be able to put player data in the ScoreHud like the currency {Money} or the faction {faction}.

    thanks: aternos:<3


    Ho notato che per il plugin ScoreHud (Poggit) sono quasi indispensabili degli addons che per le regole di sicurezza di Aternos non sono installabili. Vorrei aprire un forum in cui la gente esprime gli addons di cui avrebbe bisogno per i propri plugin di Minecraft bedrock, oppure ancora meglio che i player possano inviare i file che vorrebbero caricare via mail a uno staffer per farli controllare e aggiungere alla lista plugin, oppure mettere tutti i plugin considerati sicuri da poggit. Spero che altri utenti concordino con me perchè ci tengo davvero molto.

    Grazie :aternos::thumbup:


    I noticed that for the ScoreHud plugin (Poggit) addons are almost indispensable because they are not installable due to Aternos security rules. I would like to open a forum where people express the addons they would need for their Minecraft bedrock plugins, or even better that the players can send the files they would like to upload via email to a staffer to have them checked and added to the plugin list. or put all the plugins considered safe by poggit. I hope other users agree with me because I really care a lot.



    Mir ist aufgefallen, dass für das ScoreHud-Plugin (Poggit) Addons fast unverzichtbar sind, da sie aufgrund der Aternos-Sicherheitsregeln nicht installiert werden können. Ich möchte ein Forum eröffnen, in dem Leute die Addons ausdrücken, die sie für ihre Minecraft-Plugins benötigen, oder noch besser, die Spieler können die Dateien, die sie hochladen möchten, per E-Mail an einen Mitarbeiter senden, damit sie überprüft und zur Plugin-Liste hinzugefügt werden. oder setzen Sie alle Plugins als sicher von Poggit. Ich hoffe, andere Benutzer stimmen mir zu, weil es mich sehr interessiert.
