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Posts by DGabriel13
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hmm how can i share? in a notepad?
I set the plugin languages.yml and when I saved it gave error, then reloaded the files and without editing the error yet
FabledSkyBlock plugin can't save language.yml
ok :3
why does the MCMMO plugin not catch?
oh! thanks :3
ok, thanks
Could disable nether and the end together or separately
Is it possible to delete the world world_the_end and world_nether? without generating them again?
use the plugin GreatKits
I think it works at 1.15
Is it possible to create folders?
Use the MultiverseInventory plugin
Why when I put this plugin: https://aternos.org/addons/a/spigot/50755
does not appear in my files? when I enter the ERROR plugin site (without permission)
ok .-.
Plus this plugin: https://aternos.org/addons/a/spigot/15491 is added in Aternos and is Via External and GitHub
Is it possible to send a plugin via external site, with download from GitHub?