Hi Aternos Team, can you please add the following plugin?
Plugin name: BuyCraft
Plugin link: https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/buycraft.336/
Description: with this plugin people can buy extra stuff on your minecraft server.
Thank you!
Posts by YorritRotthier
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Dear Aternos team,
I had a question about that you can put plugins in your server yourself,
so i want that you can upload your own plugins
With greetings yorrit
Hi Aternos Team, Can you pleas add the following plugin?
Plugin name: DDG Pets | Minetopia DDG Plugin
Plugin link: https://www.spigotmc.org/threa…etopia-pet-plugin.390152/
description: this plugin is meant for news on a roleplay server
Thank you!
with kind regards yorrit!
Hi Aternos Team, Can you pleas add the following plugin?
Plugin name: Minetopia-toevoegingen | Toevoegingen voor in minetopia!
Plugin link: https://www.spigotmc.org/resou…-voor-in-minetopia.46287/
description: this plugin is meant for news on a roleplay server
Thank you!
with kind regards yorrit!
can these plugins pls added in aternos,
Kind regrets Yorrit
Hey Aternos team.
so i had an idea for a plugin for everyone,
the plugin is called Vehicles and this is the link of the plugin : https://www.blackspigot.com/th…-needed.17402/#post-52896 (its the free version of the plugin)
i hope this plugin is added in aternos
Kind regards, Yorrit Rotthier
Hey Aternos team.
so i had an idea for a plugin for everyone,
the plugin is called Vehicles and this is the link of the plugin : https://www.spigotmc.org/resou…sourcepacks-needed.12446/
i hope this plugin is added in aternos then i would be happy
and can i make a real life server with vehicles, money etcetera
Kind regards, Yorrit Rotthier