Posts by thebedrockhd

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    hello aternos team, i want to request a plugin

    This plugin has been requested in the past but this time it is directly available on spigot, so i can request it

    Name: Minecraftbut

    Type: Fun


    Description: this plugin is a plugin that allows for weird scenarios in the world like lava rising and tnt falling. Its a really fun plugin and thats why i want to see it added

    I hope this plugin gets added!:aternos:

    hello aternos team

    i have a good idea to allow for more plugins to be used, since some plugins come from sources other than spiggot/bukkit

    currently, you can only submit plugins and not directly import them into your server because this could allow for malicious plugins. i understand why this is the case and i also dont want to have that feature added, but there are still some things i would change to allow for more plugins. if you submit plugins you have to submit bukkit/spiggot links, that dont use a downlod from another website like github. now what i want to see added is a feature that allows for plugin files to be submitted directly, but also not put as an offical plugin, meaning you can only use it privately. what i imagine is that once the file is submitted and accepted, it either gets saved in the files directly or it gets saved in a list of private plugins. please let me know what you think of this idea!:aternos: