Suggested Plugins
The Best Plugin:…omize-player-spawn.32601/
Other Similar Plugins
There is a command called /gamerule spawnRadius (number). It doesn't work for some reason, I don't know why but I need a plugin to override it. This is a great plugin for any aternos servers that are making survival worlds that have no spawn protection that don't want players to spawn in the same area 24/7 getting killed by people. I have tried looking for plugins on Aternos for random spawning but I can't, so I am here to suggest them. I looked over how to submit a better plugin request and I believe I am doing it correctly this time. I hope that it will get accepted this time, thank you!
Posts by Water8500
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My other Random Spawn suggestion was declined due to an external site, however this is similar to the other plugin that I suggested. The same concept applies, great for survival and anarchy servers. I believe that this does not have an external site. This is great for players for spawning in random areas when they first join the game or die without a bed. -
This is a plugin that is useful for anarchy or survival worlds where you don't want players spawning in the same area getting killed by people 24/7. Despite there being already a command called /gamerule spawnRadius (number), it does not work for some reason letting players spawn in a random area and they still spawn at the world spawn. The spawnRadius command only works when a player first joins, but after they die they are sent to the worldspawn. I have tried this in private worlds and it apparently works, I don't know what is interfering with it so that is why I am suggesting this plugin. There is also already another plugin with the same intended features but I have tried it and it does not work, it is outdated and from 2013. In conclusion, this is a plugin for anarchy or survival worlds where players spawn in random locations.
This would be useful for survival worlds to prevent players going above the nether bedrock ceiling.