Posts by take_a_gander

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    So I decided it would be a good idea to /give a player around 10000 tnt, needless to say the entire server crashed (we had just started and there were only 3 players online) I tried to clear the items using the commands:

    /kill @e[type=item,nbt={item:{id:"minecraft:tnt"}}]

    /kill @e[type=minecraft:tnt,r=10000]

    /kill @e[type=item]

    /kill @e[type=minecraft:tnt]

    All of which would either say "unknown command"

    Or "No entity was found"

    Logging into the server was impossible as there was no connection and I would always time out.

    I would run the commands through console, and eventually it would say the server couldn't keep up, running over 6000ms and around 130 ticks behind.

    Is there anyway to fix this issue, or a command I could use to clear all the tnt that was dropped on the floor? 😕