exaroton and aternos backups are separate google applications. Meaning you can't use exaroton backups on aternos and aternos backups not on exaroton.
I know that now, thanks you tho
Learn more about this change here.
For help regarding Aternos, we recommend you to visit our support center.
exaroton and aternos backups are separate google applications. Meaning you can't use exaroton backups on aternos and aternos backups not on exaroton.
I know that now, thanks you tho
Are you allow to backup the "aternos" files to exarotin? by using the aternos backup.
I fixed it on Tuseday before your responded. It was a plugin the blocked it
Hay for some reason Users can chat on server and no error is given. why so?
ok, but he is not online yet so I have to test it later, I will respond back when we test it
"o0 Hez 0o"
It isn't the friend access well, he doesn't have a aternos account. He can't join in general.
and no MasterGames2020 is my server...
It says "Access denied."
Hay my friend can't join my server because of a internal server error
Console - https://mclo.gs/SDqZ5Zp
They can't do that because there "system" doesn't work that way
I don't know why that happens.
This includes ANY FILE TYPE FTP mean File transfer protocol.
Hay when ever "o0 Hez 0o"[Username] hits me I freeze and he gits disconnected idk what's causing it.
here is the log https://mclo.gs/NHxR2f5
Hay whenever a a player joins the game the always spawn in the void and the I set the spawn at least 5 blocks above the arena. Why is that doing that.
Nvm fixed founded the BedWars was the problem
Can you add DevTools to pocketmine if thats possible.
I will try that out...
No it wasn't the Parkour
Hay I do not have a the AntiVoid plugin but for some reason when someone falls into the void they get tp back to the original area. Making the games unfair.