NAME : Animated Tablist
LINK :…imated-tab-tablist.46229/
DESC : Really great for custom tablists and improving stuff.
Learn more about this change here.
For help regarding Aternos, we recommend you to visit our support center.
NAME : Animated Tablist
LINK :…imated-tab-tablist.46229/
DESC : Really great for custom tablists and improving stuff.
NAME: DisguiseMe
DESCRIPTION: Very nice plugin with a great and prowerful usage of disguises, great to troll friends!
Solved it already! After seeing Biomes O Plenty in the logs named as unlicensed, I uninstalled it and it worked!
Hello! Today, I was going to try a new forge server with my friend on 1.16.2! So, I converted my paper server to a forge server. But there was one problem, after installing all the mods, I started it and then it crashed. I deleted all the worlds but nothing.
Here's the logs :
Thank you for trying to help!
EDIT : It didn't even go online, it just crashed.
NAME : Genetic Animals
DESCRIPTION : Adds a genetic pool while breeding animals to create a new surrealism in the Minecraft worlds.
Call me a madlad but i'm just bored.
NAME : Presence Footsteps
DESCRIPTION : The mod makes the player's steps more audible/different, and adds to the immersion and makes Minecraft more immersive and surreal.
LINK :…c-mods/presence-footsteps
Hello! I was just wondering about how to add multiple worlds in a forge server. I'm completely new to mods and I was trying to install a mod similar to the plugin Multiverse. I was already surfing the Internet but to no avail. I need multiple worlds to play. Thanks...
PS : I'm also wondering about an Forge version of EssentialsX!