I saw that security craft failed to load but didn't know what to do about it though. Thankfully, I was actually able to figure it out. Thank you for replying.
Posts by Bucket Craft
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I'm trying to play on my modded server but, when it tries to load a certain mod, Security Craft, it instantly crashes and I have no idea why. Here is the log: https://mclo.gs/yLnaAXl Also, I've done the mod combinations before and it was fine. I don't know whether it is the forge version or the mod version. Please let me know what to do.
I am playing in version 1.12.2 and wanted to get the gitweb builder app on the laptop from the device mod. I got the addon and tried to use it. For some reason, it won't let me install it. (That section won't load) Anyone got any good advice for me?
But /kill @e[type=!player] kills all entities expect players which is better to fix the crash,
Thanks for the info. I didn't know how to kill all entities except for players using a command. Sadly, I needed to know this a few months ago LOL. I can now see why doing /kill @e[type=!player] will be a better solution. so, try using /kill @e[type=!player]
I said do /kill @e to kill all entities to hopefully fix the crash
Here is a tip I have for you to solve this problem, If you don't mind all of your picture frames, item frames, and other entities to get destroyed, try doing /kill @e to kill all the entities. if you're lucky, this will get rid of the entity causing this crash. Warning: it could also be a block. If you could post your world download to this thread, so I can take a look at it that would be great. just a heads up, If you kill all entities, the server might still crash. this is why I need to get the world download. thx
Also, I found some more information on the problem. Here is the link: Exception Ticking World minecraft error
Hope this helps!
By the way, If you look at the description, your's said Exception Ticking World search it up in google or whatever browser you use to find info on why it happened and how to fix it.
Okay. Great! I will let you know on this thread if I have any more info about the problem
I don't know if this will help much but check out this link. It might have the answer you need. Exception Ticking World I had a simmilar problem except mine was ticking entity.
I will take a look at it and see what I can find
If you can find it, try searching it on the internet to see if there are fixes for it
Try checking the log in aternos to find out why it crashed
Hello Aternos Team,
On my server, I have a bunch of mods and I updated some of them a few days ago and now it seems to work but then crashes, but I don't know what's causing it. Please help.
here is the log when it crashed
I never changed from forge to spigot
So I have to lose all my progress in the world or it won't start?
I don't know for sure, but it is possible that if you download the world from aternos and extract the files, you can find the problem and possibly fix it. (I don't know how to though) If you found the problem and fixed it, you would compress the file into a .zip archive then upload the world to aternos using the zip archive option. This is if you need to change the software.
Oh. I get it now. Thank you for your help.
No, Im not using fabric. I am specifically using forge version 1.15.2 (31.2.0) Server ip Bucketcraft2.aternos.me
Hello Aternos team,
Earlier I sent a mod request for the campanion mod and someone answered and said that it was already added. when I search the mods in aternos, I can never find it. Can someone help me out please? Here is the link to the mod and its' dependency Campanion Fabric API
Thanks in advance!
Hello Aternos team,
can you please add the mod "campanion"?
Link to the mod Campanion Link to dependency Fabric API
Campanion is a mod that adds in outdoor equiptment/furniture. It also adds in tools such as a grappling hook, spears, and backpacks.
Also, I'm assuming that almost all of you know that the Fabric API is a dependancy for mods including the campanion mod.