I don't know if this will help much but check out this link. It might have the answer you need. Exception Ticking World I had a simmilar problem except mine was ticking entity.
Thank you! I'll try to do that tomorrow and I'll keep you updated.
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I don't know if this will help much but check out this link. It might have the answer you need. Exception Ticking World I had a simmilar problem except mine was ticking entity.
Thank you! I'll try to do that tomorrow and I'll keep you updated.
Try checking the log in aternos to find out why it crashed
I did it and I linked it in the post
So can you upload your world again? But this tume from your "save" folder in %appdata%.
I already did it but it still doesn't work
I don't know for sure, but it is possible that if you download the world from aternos and extract the files, you can find the problem and possibly fix it. (I don't know how to though) If you found the problem and fixed it, you would compress the file into a .zip archive then upload the world to aternos using the zip archive option. This is if you need to change the software.
I did it and in singleplayer the world doesn't have that problem
It's an issue with your world.
As far as I can see it was modded before, is this the first start after you changed from forge to spigot?
^ Might also be interpreting something wrong, but what's sure is that it's an issue with your world that can be solved by generating a new world
I never changed from forge to spigot
So I have to lose all my progress in the world or it won't start?
Hello, when I try to log in my server to play it crashes and closes, here's the crash report file. crash-2020-10-13_19.58.38-server.txt
Thanks in advance.