Posts by Recteadito
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and I still want to ask why I can't connect to the server just under that ip address but I have to give this how?
no no I need some plugin in which I can create my own command custom
why can't you add this plugin?…odels-emojis-blocks-wings -hats-liquids.73355 / I really need it, please add it.
but there is another plugin script that is still evolving, why don't you put it? and how do I replace it with what plugin now when I need it?
may I ask why you are not developing a plugin script? which are you on athernoses? I really need this to develop a new version of this plugin because I need the plugin.
i really need a plugin script can t you add a plugin script with the newer version or the plugin you have to develop?
may I ask why you don't develop a plugin script? to a newer and newer version ??
Hello, I'm new here, could you please add the plugin items adder I really need it, isn't it a replacement replacement? Thank you