Posts by ZairulAdam

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    Hello! i kinda need help on deleting my server after someone loging into my Google account, it started like this,

    I used my google gmail for aternos to log in, then my friends joined the server to play and build, We built cool skyscrapers but my google gmail got logged in by a random person and before i can change the password of it, I already got disconnected from my google account before i can change the password, so my google account is taken, But also included aternos, i also think that if on google you can also access your server there, But i have no access to it, So i gotta delete the aternos server but i can't access it, I log out everytime on aternos but i can't log in again so i can't do anything anymore, All i need is to delete the server,

    Ip is: ;( ;(