[Plugin Request] EssentialsXChat

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  • Can you add essentials Chat for my server? I know it isn't from Spigot but it is from Jenkins which also does stuff on/for Spigot so please? :aternos:

    Plugin Description: It helps with chat stuff
    Plugin Download: https://ci.drtshock.net/job/EssentialsX/

    I also want to request LuckyPerms due to not knowing if my next thread was going to get deleted.

    Plugin Description: LuckPerms is an advanced permissions implementation aiming to be a fast, reliable and flexible alternative to existing permission plugins. The project's main goals are centered around high performance and a wide feature set, filling the gaps of functionality and building upon existing features found in other plugins. LuckPerms also includes an extensive API for developers, and support for a variety of Minecraft server software & data storage options.
    Plugin Download: spigotmc.org/resources/luckper…permissions-plugin.28140/