Beat the Boss!
Think of a fun attack to use against the boss! Bonus points for creativity!
Current Boss: The RAGER
Boss special: Sometimes enters RAGE mode, where he either a) heals a quarter of it's health or b) does double damage for 2 turns
Boss weakness: Sharp objects
Boss health: 725/1000
xX_WizzyYT_Xx has weakness for 3 turns.
Also, staff do double damage
CheesePizzaX2 has 20/20 health
SirSinex has 20/20 health
Sensei_H16 has 15/20 health
xX_WizzyYT_Xx has 20/20 health
Krisztian08 has 20/20 health
toto110 has 20/20 health
Odd has 20/20 health
No one has received any special items yet