Ban Evasion (Hackers evade bans in a lot of servers)

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  • Hello.. Users.. Uhh this is to the admins
    So.. I've banned a hacker.. (IP ban)
    And then a few seconds later... He rejoined
    Now this is not the first time happening
    I saw this in a lot of servers
    Also my server is cracked
    And.. they are evading bans that is the real problem
    Soo ... is there any plugin or any way so that..
    The hackers won't evade the ban?
    Please let me know if there is

  • That's because your server is cracked, they can rejoin whenever they want because they use a VPN which changes their IP address. There are some Anti-VPN plugins out there but we strongly recommend you to disable cracked and buy a minecraft account.

  • I am using a premium account.. But I made it cracked as most of Aternos players are cracked and I want them to enjoy.. Also I did add a Anti-VPN plugin but then it didn't work.. I don't think there are any spigot Anti-VPN plugins for 1.18.1 etc.

  • I am using a premium account.. But I made it cracked as most of Aternos players are cracked and I want them to enjoy.. Also I did add a Anti-VPN plugin but then it didn't work.. I don't think there are any spigot Anti-VPN plugins for 1.18.1 etc.

    There are alot of Anti-VPN plugins out there, although they might be outdated or not patched or not even working at all, we know that there are alot of players that use cracked in aternos, but since you have a real minecraft account we strongly recommend you to disable cracked. it's better than getting into this situation.