Expansive Weaponry

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  • İf there is a Expansive weaponry Pack Why cant I add Warfare 44 Expansive weaponry Pack and play it I tried to Ask for it and it said we dont support Flans mod İt is not flans mod İts a Pack Like İmmersive Vehicles Why cant I add Warfare 44 Pack I cant Understand it İts not flans mod tho heres the Link to the Mod https://www.curseforge.com/min…t-pack-expansive-weaponry

    And I tried to Ask for Vietnam Pack İts new so İt needs to be popular to be added

    my problem is why cant I add warfare 44 As a Pack İn Expansive Weaponry mod

    I want Guns like in world war 1 2

    but When I try to Make A İmmersive Vehicles Pack Yes you heard me As A pack it works but As a Pack Expansive weaponry doesnt have Any packs to Play with in aternos if you cant add any of those Just delete expansive weaponry Mod Man :aternos: :aternos: :aternos: :aternos:

    Im waiting for the response and the reason I cant Add it so I can stop bothering you guys Aight see yall Im waiting you know ! :!: :!: