İf there is a Expansive weaponry Pack Why cant I add Warfare 44 Expansive weaponry Pack and play it I tried to Ask for it and it said we dont support Flans mod İt is not flans mod İts a Pack Like İmmersive Vehicles Why cant I add Warfare 44 Pack I cant Understand it İts not flans mod tho heres the Link to the Mod https://www.curseforge.com/min…t-pack-expansive-weaponry
And I tried to Ask for Vietnam Pack İts new so İt needs to be popular to be added
my problem is why cant I add warfare 44 As a Pack İn Expansive Weaponry mod
I want Guns like in world war 1 2
but When I try to Make A İmmersive Vehicles Pack Yes you heard me As A pack it works but As a Pack Expansive weaponry doesnt have Any packs to Play with in aternos if you cant add any of those Just delete expansive weaponry Mod Man
Im waiting for the response and the reason I cant Add it so I can stop bothering you guys Aight see yall Im waiting you know !