Type /difficulty normal or go to the your server game panel and have "Monsters" set to true and you see "Difficulty" set to normal!
Posts by adothehamdo
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Thank you very much!Andreas dont close this thread!I need some plugins for prefixes!
Please anyone know any prefix plugin?With permissions AND good prefixes?And send me tutorial of that plugin!
No problem bro i am happy!
If someone wants i can help him with command blocks (commands)!I am a command block master!I work with them a lot!If anyone needs help let me ask!Thank you for reading!
You need vault plugin!
Andreas what you "MOVE" ?
Why moved?
what is that? -
thank you guys
Any guy know for any prefix plugin (dont simple prefix)
it is easy to work with him!Please help me!
thanx guys
ok thanx
and what i can do with reedem key? do i can buy reedem key?
Poeples!What is this REEDEM KEY?What i can do with reedem key?How to get reedem key?Please tell me!
http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/supermobs/ please add this plugin!This plugin add some mobs in your server!Thank you
RockPlaysMC you are dont supporter or helper !Dont say to me add the description i have description :3 and virtual market is 1.2.5 version :3 Do not ever tell me what to do only supporter or helper we must say!Do not answer me more!
http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/stock_market/ PLEASE ADD THIS PLUGIN!I need it for my server!Another two plugins is on 1.2.5 version i need 1.7.9 thank you!And add this plugins also! http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/gui-shop/ and http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/guishop/
http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/virtual-market/ please add this plugin!I need for my vanilla server!Its a virtual market!And here is another plugin for virtual market (auction house) http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/auctionhouse/
i found plugin!Thanx
Please add this plugin!http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/easy-prefix/ i dont know with simple prefix and permissionex!Only know with that plugin for prefixes
http://rpgitems2.webs.com add this plugin please!This plugin add soo much things on your item!