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Posts by ediee2602
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check if any of the mods are interfering with the spawn protection. Check the config files.
If you're too concerned then just download your world change the software and reupload the world
I once changed from vanilla to paper it didn't interfere with my world in anyway
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Use the share button and copy the link and send it here
that was quick lol
cool then
I'd like to suggest a new reaction emoji in the forums. A thumbs up reaction
to signify ok
lemme know if i can be of any help
ok good luck.
do you have apoli mod? if so try removing that. That might work. But whatever you do dont forget to take a backup of the world
download the world from server. use nbt explorer to find that entity. After removing the entity reupload the world to your server.
it looks like t construct maybe causing the issue. Take a back up of the world then remove Tconstruct mod. then try starting the server.
was there any crash report. as this log says there is a corrupted block but it doesnt say the exact location. Im trying to figure out which mod has caused this corruption.
is this a new world or have you played on this before
well the mob is actually corrupted. So whenever you load the particular chunk the mob is located the server is going to crash. So better take a backup of the world. Then use some nbt editor to remove the mob at the specified location.
can you share your server log
which browser are u using and which country are u from.
This article might help you.