Posts by Slavyano4kaa

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    1.19.3 is the most ideal version for the current minecraft. It has most mods, plugins, and excellent optimization. But here's the problem, not Arclight, not Mohist do not have a version for 1.19.3 (even on the official site). And how then to play with mods + plugins on 1.19.3? The transition to 1.19.4 affects most mods, because they simply do not exist on this version, and requests to the developers of these mods are useless.

    I couldn't find a theme for cores, so I chose the theme of mods/modpacks. If there is one, move this topic to it.

    Previously (until July 9, 2022) there was a great version of MrCrayFish's Furniture mod - 6.3.1. But the author updated the mod, 6.3.2 came out, and with Aternos 6.3.1 disappeared. Not that it was updated by itself, or somehow else, but simply disappeared, it cannot be installed. 6.3.2 requires many times more work with mod files than 6.3.1, and I don't want to work on the new version. Why is it possible to download 6.3.1 everywhere, but not on Aternos? Obviously, the author did not contribute to this in any way.

    Okay, it's just that the new version is better, but why are the old versions 5.3.1 and below there? They have many times less functionality, and 6.3.1 is the most optimal. But she doesn't exist!

    On forge, you can find all of crayfish's mod at

    Thanks for the link! By some miracle, at there is only 1 page with no mods, but at a second page has appeared page with mods.

    I noticed that the mods do not have the ' symbol in the name, so they are called MrCrayFishs. But I entered just "mrcrayfish" where there is no "s" at the end. I don't know how it works, but it helped!

    Haven't used MrCrayfish mods for a long time. Now I decided to play with them. But magic! There are no addons from Aternos in the list. There is only on guns, as well as More Furniture, but there is no Vehicles and regular Furniture mod. Initially checked on Mohist - they were not there. I decided to offer a mod, wrote that it is already available on Forge. Delivered Forge - NOTHING CHANGED. And where are these mods? :(

    P.S. There is only 1 page on the addons page, and it is simply impossible to move to the second one to see mods.

    P.S.S. It costs Forge Aternos himself proposed this version.

    When you try to download the World Edit or FAWE plugin, an error occurs that a suitable version was not found, but this is only the case with them. Is this a bug or what? Server version 1.12.2, Spigot/Bukkit core