I like this idea
Posts by Drachionix
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Unsere Website ist auch auf dem Handy sehr leicht zu bedienen.
Aktuell sehen wir keine Vorteile darin, eine App zu entwickeln. -
Make sure all the mods you are using are compatible with each other.
Make sure all the mods you are using are compatible with each other.
Have you tried to use the DynIP instead?
Paper's render distance in 1.15.1 is the same as 1.15
Julian's right. At the moment we are not planning on supporting other games than Minecraft.
Did you just ignore my post? oO
What's your mission?
Es gäbe deutlich einfachere Möglichkeiten Plugins auf unseren Server hochzuladen. Das Problem dabei ist ganz einfach, dass du auch Dinge hochladen könntest, die unserem System schaden. Somit können wir nur Plugins aus vertrauenswürdigen Quellen akzeptieren und müssen diese auch alle manuell hinzufügen.
I don't really get your question
And why do you think that would benefit anything?
You just have to wait 'til the server is started
Already denied.
Denied. External site.
We only add modpacks in their official composition.
Everyone is allowed to modify your world but within the spawn-protection radius set in your options.
Either you change that option or you walk around that protection.