But i have tested it
it works perfectly i made it today so there is no popularity
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But i have tested it
it works perfectly i made it today so there is no popularity
This is a StaffMode Plugin forked from BGHDDevelopment - The Formor Author.
Commands & Permissions
/staffmode or /staffgui(allias:/sg)
(opens gui)
/staffmode help
(Lists Commands, Perms, Info)
staffmode.gamemode(Gamemode Menu)
staffmode.tools(Tools Menu)
staffmode.time(Time Menu)
staffmode.effects(Effects Menu)
staffmode.servermanager(Server Manager Menu)
staffmode.adminitems(Admin Items Menu)
staffmode.difficulty(Difficulty Menu)
staffmode.mobs(Mob Menu)
staffmode.trolls(Troll Menu)
staffmode.mobmanager(Mob Manager Menu)
Note: Op Players will get all Perms!
All Perms Are To Open Each Menu
Inside The Main Gui!
Pls add i made this plugin my self its bug free you could test it
Description for GoodSS:
This is a Screen Share plugin with many unique things that are found very little in other Spigot plugins!
You can ban players with your included command, you can be banned automatically if he leaves the game.
To avoid bugs do not use many plugins that avoid using the chat, do not mute the player who is in ss and do not make the player move much while in the ss.
Pls add
Description for Key Finder:
[Blocked Image: https://www.spigotmc.org/attachments/untitled5-png.323561/]
[Blocked Image: https://www.spigotmc.org/attachments/untitled11-png.323567/]
Tool Name/Tiers:
[Blocked Image: https://www.spigotmc.org/attachments/untitled6-png.323562/]
default: op
description: Give a player a key finder tool.
default: op
description: Reloads the configuration file.
Pls Add
Description For [Animated Tab] - TabList
Animated tab examples
[Blocked Image: https://proxy.spigotmc.org/0fd7a179d0686328eecc937c00d8a954d7dcc679?url=https%3A%2F%2Fmedia.giphy.com%2Fmedia%2FxT0xeE7nrMHhm4lEIw%2Fgiphy.gif]
[Blocked Image: https://proxy.spigotmc.org/872280651803665b4dd76f31b090226abc27f732?url=https%3A%2F%2Fmedia.giphy.com%2Fmedia%2Fl4pT9Ckg5D79ZNIwE%2Fgiphy.gif]
[Blocked Image: https://proxy.spigotmc.org/ba67c1bd1a0f9f1df9c66e7e22fb883b027d969b?url=https%3A%2F%2Fmedia.giphy.com%2Fmedia%2Fl4pTfnhUnq7udroYw%2Fgiphy.gif]
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ayerOptions It is a plugin that gives players options to configure some features in the lobby.
This plugin has been tested in version 1.10
Check out my other projects as well:
[Blocked Image: https://www.spigotmc.org/attachments/features-png.190117/]
[Blocked Image: https://www.spigotmc.org/attachments/comando-png.190121/]
Menu command:
Menu Permissions:
[Blocked Image: https://www.spigotmc.org/attachments/images-png.190124/]
[Blocked Image: https://www.spigotmc.org/attac…7562698a2a55d-png.190125/]
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==--------Plugin description---------==
KP-PVP is a plugin that will help your players get better in minecraft pvp while having fun! the features it offer will make sure your players are enjoying their battles against their foes! I really hope you like this plugin as i put so much effort into it
[Blocked Image: https://proxy.spigotmc.org/c42…imgur.com%252FSd5s8Xt.png]
Very customisable
Comes with 27 kits with very cool abilities and i add more kits in future updates
Responsible and nice Developer
Shop System with custom economy support
Coins System
Has nice titles! When you join the kitpvp , dies or choose a kit the plugin sends a title to the player. All titles is customisable
You can give,remove,pay,set coins to other player
You can list all commands with one simple command (/kp). Thats means that you dont need to remember all commands but one only
Hability to block any commands that normal players cannot use them when they are in kitpvp
This plugin has been tested on a local host server and dont have bugs. If have one the developer fix it fast!
Free Plugin and Open Source
KillStreak System!
You can edit killstreak rewards
Has a custom 1v1 system
The plugin only shows the player the kit that they have acess to
The shop sells the majority of kits with a balanced price and if you want to edit the prices the plugin is open source so you can edit it.
You can create soup signs that player can pickup soups from it
Multiworld support. Thats means that you can combine other minigames like skywars with this plugin because this plugin dont interacts with the game of the players while they are not in kitpvp.
You can edit the most of the main messages
Sponges acts as launchpads!
PlaceHolderAPI Support!
Anti Command Spam. Players cannot do the command /kitpvp join twice if they are already on kitpvp. This is to avoid leaving on combat and prevents bugs. To teleport to kit pvp spawn and reset your kit use /kitclear
Nice and Beatiful Scoreboard that show usefuls informations
You can enable or disable your own scoreboard with a command
You can edit the appearance of the Scoreboard on config
You can view your or other player statistics by a Command
You can clear you kit and go back to spawn
You can reload the configuration without restart the server
You can use the command /adminmode to be invisible and catch hackers
This plugin have a custom staffchat to you talk to your staff without the normal players view the messages
The players cannot break or place blocks while in game unless they have permission
Has a beautiful shop and kit menu with various beautifuls unicodes
Fully support other gamemodes like Skywars
You can edit the amount of coins thats player win or loose on kill and death
+200 KB of pure and high quality code
This plugin dont cause any lag in your server
You can join and leave the kitpvp any time by a Command
If you have a factions or fullpvp server you can install this plugin with these gamemodes because the plugin ensures that the players dont loose any item because the plugin saves it.
A normal player starts with the basic kit and they can buy other kits with coins
Soups heals 3,5 hearts
Pls Add This
The last one standing win ! Battle Royale is a Fortnite inspired minigame.
How to setup the minigame:
This will not be added because its a SKRIPT plugin and those are not supported on Aternos iTargetDS
[Blocked Image: https://proxy.spigotmc.org/d0e…zliresim.com%2FALpWn7.png]
[Blocked Image: https://www.spigotmc.org/attachments/commands-jpg.239962/]
[Blocked Image: https://www.spigotmc.org/attachments/permissions-jpg.239963/]
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Players will be checked for:
- Aimbot
- Auto Armor
- Bed Destroyer
- Chest Stealer
- Damage Indicator
- Fast Bow
- Instant Break
- Fast Heal
- Fast Place
- Fast Use
- Fly
- Ghost Hand
- Some inventory cheats(1.8.x)
- Killaura (1.8.x-combat)
- NoClip/Phase
- No Fall Famage
- No Velocity
- False Angle
- No Slowdown
- No Swing
- No Web
- More/Bad packets
- Safewalk
- Sneak
- Speed
- Strafe
- Teleport/Step
- Waterwalk
- Tower
- Scaffold
- Zoot
Commands with permissions:
-> /nnc - Open the settings gui | permission: nnc.options
-> /nnc ping - Shows ping | permission: - (all players)
-> /nnc reload - Reload NNC config | permission: nnc.reload
-> /nnc enable - Enable NNC | permission: nnc.options
-> /nnc disable - Disable NNC | permission: nnc.options
-> /nnc test [check] [player] - Start to test a single check | permission: nnc.options
-> /nnc test stop [player] - Stop the testing | permission: nnc.options
other permissions:
-> nnc.debug | Shows the player all flags from other players
-> nnc.checknot| Player will be not flagged by NNC
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A simple GUI plugin which allow buy and sell items.
To get information how to create a shop see config.yml
Required Vault and economy plugin
[Blocked Image: https://proxy.spigotmc.org/fd9…bb.co%2FdN5f8k%2Fshop.png]
Display name and lore
Items can contain display name, lore and enchantments.
If you want to add it, you need to create a custom item in items.yml (see example) and in shop write $itemnameinstead of item ID.
[Blocked Image: https://proxy.spigotmc.org/3eb…i.imgur.com%2Fpr596P3.png]
Pls Add this is very needed
[Blocked Image: https://www.spigotmc.org/attachments/features-jpg.307642/]
[Blocked Image: https://www.spigotmc.org/attachments/commands-jpg.307641/]
[Blocked Image: https://www.spigotmc.org/attachments/permissions-jpg.307643/]
[Blocked Image: https://www.spigotmc.org/attachments/screenshots-jpg.307644/]
/cc - /chatcolor - /colorchat
[Blocked Image: https://www.spigotmc.org/attac…2-31_13-10-28-png.307646/]
/cc <color>
[Blocked Image: https://www.spigotmc.org/attac…2-31_13-11-16-png.307647/]
Invalid Color
[Blocked Image: https://www.spigotmc.org/attac…2-31_13-12-13-png.307649/]
Not Permisison Message
[Blocked Image: https://www.spigotmc.org/attac…2-31_13-11-43-png.307648/]
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Allow your players to create chests that will automatically sell items on a a timed basis or chests that will sell upon an attached sign being right-clicked!
How you create this you ask? Simple!
Once the plugin is installed, simply write a sign on a chest and on the first line, type [autosell]. Its as simple as that!
[Blocked Image: https://proxy.spigotmc.org/8f7…7473aa1374aa31c5949da.png]
[Blocked Image: https://proxy.spigotmc.org/124…949b58f9ce6903f16f87f.png]
Pls Add This
what awesome
plotsmenu isn't possible that its 1.12 because 1.12 came out 1 or 2 months later after july of 2017
➤ Big API
➤ Custom Prefixes
➤ Custom Permissons
➤ Custom Header & Footer
➤ How many Ranks you want
➤ Auto Update
➤ Custom Chat Layout
➤ Custom Join/Quit Message
➤ Fully BetterNick Compatible [!!! SOON BACK !!!]
➤ CloudNet Support
➤ PlaceholderAPI Support
Commands & Permissons:
➤ /myprefixsystem [/mps] - myprefixsystem.command - MyPrefixSystem Main Coomand.
➤ %date% - Current Date
➤ %time% - Current Time
➤ %player% - Player Name
➤ %displayname% - Player Displayname
➤ %prefix% - Player Prefix
➤ %suffix% - Player Suffix
➤ %rankcolor% - Player Rankcolor
➤ %health% - Player Health
➤ %food% - Player Food
➤ %world% - Player World
➤ %server% - Server Name
➤ %online-players% - Current Players
➤ %max-players% - Max Players
➤ %server-version% - Server Version
➤ %server-port% - Server Port
And all PlaceholderAPI Placeholders!
Pls Add This https://www.spigotmc.org/resou…best-prefix-plugin.46244/
TaigaCore reads packets to determine the player's language setting and sends messages to players depending on their language. You can add your own languages and modify existing languages in the /plugins/TaigaCore/lang folder. This Is Required For PowerPerms [MySQL] [Global AND Per-World permissions and inheritance]
Pls Add This PowerPerms Won't Work Without It