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HP Core Remake contains many HP features ex. ranks, WatchDog, levels, and more!
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[Skript] HP Core Remake Description:
Commands List (Skript):User Commands:
- /ignore - Add/remove player's from your ignore list.
- /help - Prints a help page with customizable links.
- /search - Search for players.
- /reset - Reset your basic hub statistics.
- /watchdogreport - Report players for hacking.
- /chatreport - Report chat offenders.
- /hi or /hello - Why hello there.
- /opme - Troll command.
- /wtfmap or /map - Shows the current map you are on.
- /games - Opens the game menu. (Coming soon.)
- /lobbies - Opens the lobby menu. (Coming soon.)
- /profile - Opens your profile.
- /guild - Create/join/leave/disband Guilds.
- /guildshop - Guild shop.
- /friend - Add/remove friends or block/ignore them.
- /status - Check your current status.
- /rankcolor - Change the '+' in MVP+. (MVP+ only!)
- /pet (name/reset) - Name/reset your pet. (GadgetsMenu)
- /msg - Privately message players.
- /limbo - Switch to limbo.
- /chat - Switch chat.
- /fly - For VIP and higherYT Commands:
- /nick - For YT and higher. Disguise yourself as another player.JR HELPER/HELPER/MOD Commands:
- /watchdogreport-accept - Accept players WD reports.
- /chatreport-accept - Accept players chat reports.
- /mute - Mute players.
- /unmute - Unmute players.
- /announce - Announce something.
- /verify - Verify someone.
- /ban - Ban a player.
- /unban - Unban a player.
- /warn - Warn a player.
- /silence - Silence chat.
- /settings - Moderation Settings.
- /history - Not finished. Shows punishment history.ADMIN+ Commands:
- All commands from JR HELPER+
- /adminrc - Admin settings for player's MVP+ color.
- /rank - Rank system.
- /addexp - Add Experience to a player. (SoonTM)
- /addkarma - Add Karma to a player.
- /level - Manage the level of players.
- /onlinereset - Reset online count. (If bugged)
- /boosteractivate - Just a little fun message.
- /setspawn - Set Hub spawn.
- /setlimbo - Set Limbo spawn.
- /setflyspawn - Set fly spawn (Has to be enabled)Pls Add This Its Very Useful I love the aternos team!…ipt-hp-core-remake.41193/
Sorry just realized its premium
Leaderheads is a plugin that tracks data of various other plugins and allows you to create all-time, daily, weekly and monthly leaderboards for a ton of different statistics.
Furthermore, it allows you to use the data to do other cool things such as giving out automatic rewards to for example the top voter of the month.Pls Add -
/killme - Kills the player that executed the command
/eZfly - enables flight(1.2+)
/eZspeed - enables speed(1.3+)/eZhealth - sets max health to 1000 hearts(1.3.1+)
- eZKill.self - for /killme command
- eZKill.flight - for /eZfly command
- eZKill.speed - for /eZspeed command
- - for /eZhealth command also for the resethealth cmd
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The Guilds Plugin was created to offer a RPG type system to servers. It was inspired by players like you who enjoy creating a fun and exciting environment for your server. Guilds allows players to join interactive groups of other players, forge their own communities on your server, and compete with other guilds for dominance and control.Guilds was written with the thought of all types of servers in mind. It's made and ready to support any type of server you throw at it. With constant updates containing more optimization and configurable options along with new features, this plugin is always up to date and ready to use.
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Set up custom villager shopkeepers that sell exactly what you want them to sell and for what price. You can set up admin shops, which have infinite supply, and you can also set up player shops, which pull supply from a chest. -
=== Features ===
- Customizable Tablist (Header & Footer)
- Join Title
- Join Actionbar
- Color Code Support (&)
- Auto-Updater
- Developer API
- PlaceholderAPI Support
- Tablist Prefixes & Suffixes
- BungeeCord Support
Pls Add and pls don't give me how to write a good plugin…ist-title-and-more.12234/
What Bastian means is you have to include the url of the plugin and it must be on or
StarterKit is a simple kit plugin. With the plugin every player who comes to the server for the first time or enters the command / kit gets a kit. To create a kit, simply place the items into your own inventory as you would the other players and then enter / kit create . To delete the kit then justenter the command / kit delete .
add this its a updated version of StarterKit…rterkit-1-8-1-12-2.49445/ -
SuperbVote is a Votifier listener focusing on providing flexibility, lag-free operation and a superb experience while aiming for the same feature set of other leading vote listeners. Best of all, it will remain free unlike other plugins.
Pls Add My server needs this -
A very simple and tiny chat formatting plugin using Vault.
What's the point?
This plugin formats the chat, using one template format, and has placeholders for a players prefix/suffix which can be used in the template. Nothing more, nothing less.
If you want anything more than this, then I've suggested some alternatives you can try below.
Why bother creating something so basic when there are obviously better plugins out there?
Some people just want something simple - EssentialsChat has always been my go-to, but some people don't want the whole of Essentials on their server.
How do I use it?
Add it to your plugins folder, restart your server, and the config file will be generated automatically in /plugins/VaultChatFormatter.
Why does it depend on Vault?
Vault is an API (a utility) which allows plugins (like this one) to pull permissions and chat data from a variety of sources without depending on and hooking with each individual source.
Pls Add its a requirement of
LuckPerms | An advanced permissions plugin
Kill YourSelf when the player does /killme it kills the player if there stuck somewhere they can just do /killme and they get teleported back to the spawn in that world.This Is My Plugin I Made With Eclipse Java Oxygen.2
Pls add my plugin on spigot and bukkit
Pls add…-all-in-one-plugin.51859/Description
Features:- Easy to use.
- GUI's for almost all commands.
- You can disable any command you want. (Besides the main one)
- You can suggest things and if I know how to add I will add it.
Optional PlaceholderAPI
What is NetTranslate?
NetTranslate is a lightweight plugin that leverages the Google Translate API and your internet connection to translate any chat message in real time. Whenever a player sends a message, it will be passed through Google Translate and returned to all your players in their preferred language.How does it work?
Minecraft allows you to select your language in its client settings. This language selection is detected by NetTranslate to find out what locale the player is typing in and what language they will receive in. When a player sends a chat message, it is converted from their locale to the locale of every other player.Pls Add 1.8 to 1.12
There are many tricks to see your plugins. Do you want to block them forever? Download this plugin! You need ProtocolLib!
- Block /[TAB]
- Block playername tab
- Disable plugin in certain worlds
- Block custom commands
Desripription by authour of the plugin: PyrCore is an core project that I use for all of my plugins. It contains a lot of libraries, like :
- Commands management
- Plugin storage
- Messenger (locale, placeholders, etc)
- Serialization
- Economy
- Metrics
- Auto update system
- GUIs
- Compatibility from 1.7 to 1.12, with scoreboards, sounds, particles, etc.
... and many other utils. It makes my work easier.