oh my god
3 solutions
1. Try adding the permissions to break / destory blocks.
2. Change the config from EssentialsX to be able to break / place blocks.
3. Remove EssentialsX.
Learn more about this change here.
For help regarding Aternos, we recommend you to visit our support center.
oh my god
3 solutions
1. Try adding the permissions to break / destory blocks.
2. Change the config from EssentialsX to be able to break / place blocks.
3. Remove EssentialsX.
Good, then i'll change the server to paper to get some fun stuff going.
Hi Aternos bois, I was wondering if changing versions from non-Plugin supporting to Plugin supporting resets the world.
For example, 1.14.4 Vanilla to 1.14.4 Spigot, does anything change, if so what? I am concerned because me and my friend have started a world and it turned out realllyy well. We got bored and we want to have more fun on the server.
I hope I get an answer as soon as possible...
So I connected your "customer support" and I got goddamn same email every single time I tried again, everything you said was just take time and change the goddamn name like Kurt, Roman whatever! Change this crap! Make it so you talk to an actual person, fix your crap! Your servers are great but the idiotic customer support is sooooo trashy. Oh should I mention, went on other old servers of mine all of them are fucking terminated, nothing on them is actually there, were not even the goddamn plugins! The fucking server name is InvadedLands and the ip is invadedworlds.aternos.me give me the fucking email! I had patience now it's out the window now can you give me the fucking password!
no response dude
I recently got into and, I could not recover my lost email and password! Please help me out
I greatly remember the IP it was
invadedworlds.aternos.me and please send me the lost email and password, I really loved that server and I'd be greatful to get it back!
Edit: Name different from IP (invadedworlds.aternos.me) but password is somewhere lost in the sea.
I'd really help if you'd accept
Hi Aternos Team, can you please add the following plugin?
Plugin name: DonationCraft
Plugin link: https://www.spigotmc.org/resou…nationcraft-plugin.17209/
Description: Allow players to buy ingame items/ranks with points or real money
Thank you!
Don't use Spigot/Bukkit they normally don't support that!
Also tell me the Only One Command thingy so i can test is aswell!
Hope I helped
Got a google doc cause it's too long