[Plugin Request] iShortcuts
Hi Aternos Team, can you please add the following plugin?
Plugin name : iShortcuts
Plugin link: https://dev.bukkit.org/projects/ishortcuts
Description: Add Command redirect tout an other command
Thank you!
Posts by Siberkilleurs
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I have fond the probleme : i use craftbukkit and i have test with spigot ans it's usable with hzr
Hello, following the installation of a plugin I want to use the command / nnc and it puts me (An internal error occurred ...) and here are the logs that corespondent
check at end -
[Plugin Request] User Info
Hi Aternos Team, can you please add the following plugin?
Plugin name: Essentials
Plugin link: https://www.spigotmc.org/resou…okup-online-players.8497/
Description: add an customizable user info(s) for admin
[Plugin Request] Auto Login
Hi Aternos Team, can you please add the following plugin?
Plugin name: Auto Login
Plugin link: https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/premium-auto-login.13651/
Description: add an login system ans auto login for premium
Thank you! -
[Plugin Request] Auto Login
Hi Aternos Team, can you please add the following plugin?
Plugin name: Auto Login
Plugin link: https://www.spigotmc.org/resou…ium-players-15-off.23794/
Description: add an login system and auto login for premium
Thank you! -
[Mod Request] custom chest loot
Hello Aternos Team,
can you please add the Mod "custom chest loot"?
Link to the mod: https://minecraft.curseforge.com/projects/custom-chest-loot
Have you ever wanted to customize your bonus starter chest, see mod items in dungeons, or simply wanted to make your Minecraft's trunks full of junk? If so, we have the solution for you: Custom Chest Loot!
This tiny mod simply allows you to customize all randomly generated container (chests, dispensers, etc.) content and the number of items generated in those containers.
All container categories are completely customizable in the properties file! This mod will do nothing if you do not edit its properties. The properties file is generated in your .minecraft/config directory.
Ok thanks
Use /pardon Thunderball005 in the Console
You can give an acces for this file (Aternos account : SiberTest)
Ok, thanks for the information but have not have acces
check if the version of the mod is exactly the same as on the servur
Hello, can you give us access to the following folder ./ForgeEssentials and all the files in the directory I need to configure the Mod ForgeEssentials
an aternos team can help here
ok i am connect on your server
do you use several plugins of ban if yes check that it was not used that of the other or if you have Essentilas
and test the command /pardon [username]
and the game version please
[Mod Request] Mc Helic
Hello Aternos Team,
can you please add the Mod "c Helic"?
Link to the mod: https://minecraft.curseforge.c…-minecraft-helicopter-mod
MCHeli is an awesome, highly configurable mod which adds a whole load of new planes and helicopters to Minecraft! It has a built-in asset system a little like Flan's Mod, meaning anyone can create new vehicles without any real coding knowledge!
not close the page please and, for what the mod is not compatible with aternos ?
[Mod Request] Thirst Mod
Hello Aternos Team,
can you please add the Mod "Thirst Mod"?
Link to the mod: https://minecraft.curseforge.c…=mc-mods&projectID=320963
Thirst Mod 1.7.10 aims to increase the difficulty of Minecraft by adding a Thirst Bar along with other goodies. Once installed, a bar similar to the Food Meter will appear in the HUD. The bar will begin to deplete during physical activity which is based upon a multitude of factors including movement speed, jumping, breaking blocks or not, attacking, losing health and even proximity to specific blocks. Once the bar begins to drop you can replenish the bar by consuming drinks to rehydrate yourself. With low hydration, several problems will arise beginning with the disablement of sprinting, and then slow health loss coupled with nausea effects.
Up your rendre distance ?
[Mod Request] Thirst Mod
Hello Aternos Team,
can you please add the Mod "Thirst Mod"?
Link to the mod:https://minecraft.curseforge.com/projects/thirst-mod
Thirst Mod 1.7.10 aims to increase the difficulty of Minecraft by adding a Thirst Bar along with other goodies. Once installed, a bar similar to the Food Meter will appear in the HUD. The bar will begin to deplete during physical activity which is based upon a multitude of factors including movement speed, jumping, breaking blocks or not, attacking, losing health and even proximity to specific blocks. Once the bar begins to drop you can replenish the bar by consuming drinks to rehydrate yourself. With low hydration, several problems will arise beginning with the disablement of sprinting, and then slow health loss coupled with nausea effects.