Use paper
Paper 1.15.2 is out? huh, i never knew. That may fix it
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Use paper
Paper 1.15.2 is out? huh, i never knew. That may fix it
Hello team Aternos
I would like to request a really helpful mod for enchanting,
Mod Name: Enchantments Control
Versions: 1.8.9 - 1.12.2
Description: This mod Controls necessary components to enchanting, such as which enchantments should be allowed and such.
1.15.2 Vanilla goes really bad with servers, I don't suggest you even try to fix it, since its really just random what the issue will be, plus once you fix it there isn't a guarantee you would even join the server for more then 10 seconds, its a known and possibly unfixable bug for now
Try another browser like chrome if you haven't done that yet
I have done that, But i have a custom made graphics card, it might be that aternos cant stretch to that resolution
I can't reproduce the zoom problem.
Which browser do you use?
I Use Opera GX, But i think my Graphics card is maybe doing something with this
do you remember what you searched for or which video. because i have tried searching youtube.
Cant connect to Server "Disconected" Forge 1.12.2
This Question goes out to Roman,
Hello Roman, I'll cut this short. You denied a plugin called Old Enchant
The plugin followed all of the needed requirements to be added to Aternos, It isn't downloaded from an external site, It isnt Made for old versions, The plugin in itself can be used on almost all versions of Spigot/bukkit. I've added its description, "It makes the feeling of the old 1.7.10 way of enchantment for higher versions of minecraft!
I would only like an explanation as to why it was denied! I know you usually don't have time to explain why you deny a plugin, and im alright with that, but i was left baffeled as to why a perfectly good plugin was Denied
hey i have a new problem. now everyone else can connect to the server but i cant. it doesnt show any error message but it just takes a long time to load and often shows my the rainbow ball of death. It shows all the right steps, even loading world and then decided to quite. it says disconected or timed out.
One of my other friends that was playing on the server as I tried to join said that I kept joining and leaving the game.
Idk how to help you with that, i've had that problem and i just searched on youtube about it, somehow fixed it then i didnt have that problem for 3 years now
I believe you don't understand.
The link leads nowhere on curseforge. Please give us the correct link.
It's definitely his mod, He uploaded it without having curse forge approve of it, he thinks the link works but it doesn't. There is no other explanation
The problem is whenever i get into the server, it cannot move at all, like a picture and the game have to force quit itself, i cant even type or walk
Yeah i understand that, maybe try to download the world and open it in singleplayer? if that works then try to type commands in there and stuff
1. it wasn't found
2. Provide an actual valid link to the mod,
3. Follow the guide on how to make a proper mod request:
How to write a (good) plugin/modpack/mod request
oh sorry, so what u mean is to restart all my progress?
Basically, they are trying to see what is causing the crash to occur, from what i see you are playing on 1.15.2 right? That version does have a lot of problems regarding servers with it, What i did to fix my problem was turning off nether and doing /gamerule randomTickspeed 1, therefore the server didn't have to load the nether dimension and didn't have to focus so much on growing crops and stuff! Try a complete restart with these and see if it will help.
Have you tried giving friend access to someone, maybe they can change it?
No problem o/
Is the server yours or is it Friend Access Server?
You cant pregenerate the world using console as far as i'm aware, You can try to use that mod "Chunk preloader" and upload that world onto aternos. Just be sure that the world doesnt exceed the upload limit of aternos, I think its 1 GB now, but i'm not sure. If you need any help, message me on my profile or make another post.
(PS, i'm not associated with aternos, i'm just a fellow player and want to help you )
Go to CurseForge from aternos, Find those exact mods, And click to show all filed, then check for the versions, maybe you just put the wrong ones in your own mods folder
Or you can just try the ones that i found based on your problem:
It is important to download exact versions you put on the server!
Tinker's Construct:…onstruct/download/2809406
Here , Write it using this: How to write a (good) plugin/modpack/mod request
It will get denied because you didnt put the link to the mod