Posts by and38

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    Hello again. Since last time the ratings on the plugin page have changed to 5.0 stars and the plugin got updated. Hopefully you can reconsider your decision.

    Name: Herobrine 1.1


    Description: This plugin adds a fake name "herobrine" to your server. It is used as a prank for the players and even admins who do not know. Can you please add this plugin because I want to use it on my friends?

    Thank you!

    The plugin is not reputable to us

    I think as long as someone here wants the plugin it would be nice if you could please add it. You can also see that on my request post some people disliked when you denied it because they want it to. Please, I really want to try it on my friends. :D

    I checked and i thoguht I did put all the requirements. Look:

    - ... is availible on the Bukkit or Spigot plugin index. We won't accept plugins that are not in there!

    It is available on spigot.

    - ... is directly available there. If the button looks like the button in the screenshot, we won't add the plugin:


    It has a different button

    - ... isn't outdated. To do so just look into the "facts"/"informations" section on the right side of the plugins's bukkit website

    it made recently

    - ... is available for free

    it is free

    - ... isn't still developed. If there is a banner on the page like the following one, it won't be updated anymore. Even if it was updated not long ago, we won't add it:

    There is no banner


    - The name of your plugin.

    I put that.

    - The link to the plugin page on bukkit/spigot (we don't need the direct download link!)

    I put it too

    - A small description of the requested plugin in your own words and which consists of at least 15 words!

    Mine is more than 15 words.