I checked and i thoguht I did put all the requirements. Look:
- ... is availible on the Bukkit or Spigot plugin index. We won't accept plugins that are not in there!
It is available on spigot.
- ... is directly available there. If the button looks like the button in the screenshot, we won't add the plugin:

It has a different button
- ... isn't outdated. To do so just look into the "facts"/"informations" section on the right side of the plugins's bukkit website
it made recently
- ... is available for free
it is free
- ... isn't still developed. If there is a banner on the page like the following one, it won't be updated anymore. Even if it was updated not long ago, we won't add it:
There is no banner
- The name of your plugin.
I put that.
- The link to the plugin page on bukkit/spigot (we don't need the direct download link!)
I put it too
- A small description of the requested plugin in your own words and which consists of at least 15 words!
Mine is more than 15 words.