yeah, idk then i was think you had lycanites mobs mod installed witch is the god of aternos ping
Posts by Vortex2Oblivion
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what do you have installed on the server, bukkit, forge, atm5, etc.
i have a simmallar issue sometimes, but when i close out of the tab and open a new one it stops
actually, no, you can either use a like 300000000000000 letter long command, or you can use the crazy enchants plugin, for a sharp 32k sword you would type /ce add sharpness 32767
Aternos, i just wanted to say thank you, during this tough time, thank you for keeping your servers open for us to use. And my way of saying thanks is i would like to make a MOD with the aternos staff team in it. So if someone could give me a list of minecraft account names for the aternos team so i can put them in the mod.
cc4.0 reimaigned
huh in the twitch modpack creator it says that is the newest
why was the modpack denied?
dude this is the latest
Ok, i dont know where to put this so this is the closest thing, could you please update forge 1.12.2 thanks!
YOU need ATM5 installed on your computer for it to work and it is accessible via the twitch launcher
Crazy Craft 4.0 The Return - Reimagined is a modpack that is NOT in the original crazycraft saga, it is by a different creator, instead of being in 1.7.10, this modpack is in 1.12.2, it has many well-known mods such as Thermal Foundation, Thermal Expansion, Inventory Pets, Journey Map, and Biomes O' Plenty. There is also many mods that I have never heard of, such as Meme In a Bottle, Mighty Ender Chicken, and MANY MANY MORE! This modpack can be accessed via the Twitch Launcher. There is 18,000 downloads on this modpack!
"I cant crafting items of mods"
Ok, so, this is a library mod called more vanilla lib. it is only required by one mod, that mod you already have on aternos, being "more vanilla tools" this mod is unusable because you never added this library mod
Hi aternos team!
I would like to request 2 mods, one of the mods is a addition for the other mod so it makes sense to put it here. I am requesting a mod called Almost all the Ores and a mod that adds tools for AATO called Tools for AatO Gems. AATO adds many different ores copper, steel, aquamarine, etc. (like 50% of them I have never even heard of lol) They really SPICE up your world, but they can't be used for anything. That's where Tools for AatO Gems comes in. It adds different tools for the ores. Sword, hoe, battleaxe, etc. These mods are for 1.14.4 - 1.15.2 they also do not require any library mods!
AATO link:…-mods/almost-all-the-ores
Tools for AatO Gems link:…-mods/tools-for-aato-gems
oh the problem is that the mod you installed on the server is a diffrent version then the mod you have on aternos. you need 1.3 to join the server, but lets say you have 1.2 switch versions and the mod will work!