Did a few tests, seems to only do this with OpenJ9. The error does not appear with Hotspot... Might need to take a look into that.
Posts by Jaimii
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Hello, Aternos Team
I have been encountering an interesting crash with my server, it doesn't seem to log it within the logs whenever it happens, but I was able to get a quick copy of the error in console before the server crashed. A bit unsure what I did wrong, it was working perfectly fine throughout the day.
It crashes right after the server goes online.CodeJVMDUMP012E Error in System dump: The core file created by child process with pid = 313 was not found. Expected to find core file with name "/server/core" JVMDUMP032I JVM requested Java dump using '/server/javacore.20221221.191157.1.0002.txt' in response to an event JVMDUMP010I Java dump written to /server/javacore.20221221.191157.1.0002.txt JVMDUMP032I JVM requested Snap dump using '/server/Snap.20221221.191157.1.0003.trc' in response to an event JVMDUMP010I Snap dump written to /server/Snap.20221221.191157.1.0003.trc JVMDUMP032I JVM requested JIT dump using '/server/jitdump.20221221.191157.1.0004.dmp' in response to an event JVMDUMP051I JIT dump occurred in 'Async-profiler Sampler' thread 0x000000000375A500 JVMDUMP010I JIT dump written to /server/jitdump.20221221.191157.1.0004.dmp JVMDUMP013I Processed dump event "abort", detail "".
The missing Process ID changes every startup, seems to be an internal Java problem. Happens in both Purpur and Paper.
Software: 1.18.2 (Purpur)
Plugins:- Alchemical Arrows
- ArmorStandTools
- AutoTotem
- BeaconWaypoints
- BetterBridging
- BetterDeathScreen
- Blockhead
- Breaker (2)
- ChristmasFireworks
- Chunky
- ColoredAnvils
- Colored Signs
- CoreProtect
- CustomPlayerDrop
- DeadChest
- DiscordSRV
- Doors Reloaded
- Drop2Inventory
- DualHorse
- EssentialsX: Chat, Protect, Spawn
- ExtraHardMode
- FastAsyncWorldEdit
- FarmControl
- GSit
- HolographicDisplays
- HorseTpWithMe
- InfinityAndMendingUnnerf
- InteractiveChat
- InteractiveChat DIscordSRV Addon
- InventoryRollbackPlus
- NBT API- ItemEdit
- ItemTag
- LargeRaids
- Lasso- LevelledMobs
- LittleThings
- LuckPerms
- MaintenanceMode
- MendingEnchant
- MobTweaker
- MythicMobs
- NexAuth/NexEngine
- NotTooExpensive
- OldCombatMechanics
- OpenInv
- PlaceholderAPI
- PetMaster
- PetTeleport
- PlasmoVoice
- PluginHider+
- ProtocolLIb
- PvPManager
- RHLeafDecay
- ShulkerPacks
- SkinsRestorer
- SmartItemSort
- SmoothSleep
- Spark
- SpigotPing
- SuperVanish- SurvivalInvisFrames
- TerraformGenerator
- TreeGravity
- UnbreakableLeashes
- Vault- ViaVersion
- VoidTeleport
- WitherXPDo use the thread to ask me further questions.
(Edited, for more clarity.)
If you click the button, it downloads directly, it just looks like that.
Hello Aternos Team!
Recently, I've tried requesting a certain chat plugin named InteractiveChat to be posted directly into spigot, recently, it has been, despite still saying "external link." I attempted to submit the plugin for manual review through the plugin request, but it doesn't seem to work, probably due to it still saying "external link" on the site.
Same goes for its DiscordSRV addon!
I know this is a bit annoying due to many people requesting plugins and I know this isn't the proper place, but I hope you guys do look into it and see what you can do!
Anyways, much support for your continued success!
Thank you very much! I appreciate the addition! ✨
To add on to this, I am using PaperMC, I remember using OpenJ9 on PaperMC 1.16, perhaps it no longer works for 1.17 as the option isn't there?
(Just for clarification ^^)
Hello, Aternos Team
I was sorting through my newly updated 1.17 server and I noticed that the option for the Java 16 JRE OpenJ9 VM isn't there.I feel like it could help a lot of servers if JRE (Not JDK) OpenJ9 was to be included.
https://adoptopenjdk.net/ (yes there's an option for JRE with Openj9 as its running VM)
Anyways, I would love to hear your feedback from this, thanks!
Hello Aternos Team,
I was wondering if the EssentialsX 2.19 dev builds from the main essentials website can be added to Aternos?
As 2.19 might take longer than expected to appear in SpigotMC, I was hoping you'd give support to the plugin itself from the main website.
If not, it'd be okay, anyways, thank you very much!
- Jaimee -
Hello Aternos!
I am curious to how long does the submission of plugins take. I've submitted mine 3 days ago, and it still hasn't been approved/denied. Has anyone else submitted plugins this way? How long did it take for you?
Much thanks, Jaimii
Thankies, you can close this thread now
Hello Aternos Team,
A Plugin in the database seems to be outdated, https://aternos.org/addons/a/spigot/62325 Gsit, the latest version was, however, the version in the aternos download page is hope you'd take a look at this.
Thanks, Jaimee
Hello, Aternos!
I am suggesting a minor addition to the system, having the ability to download the .skin files from the Skins folder of the SkinsRestorer plugin, the same way you can download schematics and upload them into Aternos.
This would be very much appreciated if added. I wanted to have a separate backup of the .skin files just in case things go wrong or if my friends started a separate SMP server.
Thanks, Jaimee -
Hello, Aternos Team!
I have a problem while installing this plugin: https://aternos.org/addons/a/spigot/75839 (Skbee - Script Addon) the plugin jar doesn't seem to get downloaded into my server's plugin folder. I've been trying to install this for a few days now, and it seems to be failing, I took a look at it's Spigot page to check if something was wrong and it appears that their download page was set to external to their Github page.
I was hoping you guys could give this a look if ever, thank you very much.
-Jaimee -
Hello, Team Aternos!
GOT BORED IN YOUR SMP SERVER? YOU ARE IN THE RIGHT PLACE! _KingCurry_ has created this plugin to add more interesting game modes and items to your server.
It includes items such as an craftable trident and blood god armour, or teleport bow.
Link: https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/smpmorefun.81998/
Thanks, Jaimee
Hello Aternos Team,
FactionsX is an exciting plugin I would love to add in my server to wage wars with each other!
[Blocked Image: https://proxy.spigotmc.org/3d1…sx%2FFactionsX-Banner.svg]With this plugin players group up in Factions. You claim land as your own and build your base. Factions is a self serve anti griefing system. Leaders control who can can edit their faction land.
Factions is also about diplomacy and war. You declare wars and forge alliances. You fight over land and manage your monetary expenses.
Link: https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/factionsx.83459/
Thanks, Jaimee -
Hello Aternos Team!
And yet I have another Plugin to be added to our database. Rainbow Sheep!
Link: https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/rainbow-sheep.77075/
Description: A simple plugin that turns all sheep into rainbow sheep.
Thankies, Jaimee.
Hello Aternos Team!
There's an error when I start my server, it say that the fileservers are temporarily unavailable.
Should I worry? Is there anything we need to know about it?
Thanks, Jaimee.
Hello Aternos Team!
I have yet another Plugin Request, (wow yay) this plugin is called "Ultimate Name Colors" which is a plugin that changes the color of Players' Names in the server.
Link: https://www.spigotmc.org/resou…ltimate-name-color.14458/
Description:Ultimate Name Color It is a plugin with which users will be able to change the color of your name, tab and color chat since the command /name.
Thankies, Jaimee -
Hello Aternos Team!
I have a plugin called Durability Alert in which it alerts the player if their item Armour or Tool is about to break.
Link: https://www.spigotmc.org/resou…ityalert-1-13-1-16.74166/
Description:DurabilityAlert is a plugin that notifies the player when their items are low on durability.
Works for: All armour, Pickaxes, Axes, Shovels, Swords, Hoes, Fishing Rod, Shears.
The warning can be toggled (with the command /durabilityalert toggle) by each player so that it's not forced on everybody.
Thanks, Jaimee -
Hello Aternos Team,
I have another plugin request to be added to your list, PetDragon, a plugin that lets you spawn rideable Dragons.
Link: https://www.spigotmc.org/resou…agons-1-16-support.82744/
A much more detailed description:
This plugin allows you to control custom EnderDragons as if they are your pets! Mount the dragon just like you would a horse. Ride them using WASD for movement and the mouse for directions. You can also press the space bar to shoot dragon breath! TIP: Check requirements and supported versions below before downloading.
Thanks, Jaimee