My problem with this whole situation, is the fact that Aternos is dictating how/where we need to upload our resource.
- We have to have it on or DBO
- it has to be a DIRECT download (ie: we can't have the link forward to the releases page and/or specific build on GitHub)
It really gets under my skin that Aternos refuses to use the GitHub API, with the excuse "spigot has information specific to Minecraft whereas GitHub does not" ... the only thing SpigotMC offers in their download API is the MC version (which is often missing and/or incorrect for a lot of plugins), this information doesn't matter. Personally on my plugins, I have the spigot download links direct to the specific build on GitHub, this way anyone downloading said resource is made sure they see the changelog. Quite often people download builds from spigot without knowing what has changed, then complain about stuff cause they didn't bother reading the changelog. This makes sure they actually see the changelog.
It also bothers that myself (and many many other devs I know) have been harassed by Aternos users/staff because our resources are "not available for download" I've seen devs get 1 star reviews on Spigot (from Aternos users) because they don't offer a direct download. I myself have received 1 star reviews because my resources don't have a direct download (I had these reviews removed, because the review had nothing to do with the resource itself, but rather the anger from a user because they "couldn't get it") I (as well as other devs which have told me this) have received PMs on SpigotMC and DMs on Discord... TELLING me where I need to put my resources, and how I should manage them. Why should devs get harassed because a user choses a host which doesn't offer their plugin?!?! How is that the devs fault Aternos REFUSES to use the GitHub API?
Around 60 000 players use Aternos every day: Skript would become really bigger.
Player count makes no difference to the size of Skript users. Its servers running it that matters. According to bStats, Skript is used on over 10,000 servers (last time I checked this it was around 6k, so its substantially jumped within the last year) with 16,000 players. Its well know that a lot of servers turn off bStats, so this number is most likely at least doubled. On top of that, it makes no difference if we have 6000 users or 50000 users.
It puts such a bad taste in my mouth that Aternos refuses to use the GitHub API, but then has the nerve to harass people because we don't bend over backwards for them... a server host.
Me personally, due to how I've been treated by Aternos users/staff, I won't be putting the resource up on SpigotMC. If I was going to, I would follow suit with how I do on other resources (download link would lead to the GitHub release of said build so that the users HAVE to read the changelog) ... but then we would still be getting these issues because Aternos "can't" download it.
I don't think Skript, nor any resource/dev, should have to bend over backwards for ONE server host, because they feel entitled to dictate how devs should operate their resources/downloads. |