ok 👍 i surely won't since this thread was all about gaining money for exaroton but thanks
Posts by naaqvnce
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hey so I'm currently thinking about making an earth server, would yall play it?
I understand and appreciate your perspective.
While my proposal was centered around the idea of a subscription-based service, I acknowledge that it may not be the best fit for Aternos' business model. However, I still believe that incorporating Tebex behind a paywall would be a beneficial decision.
It doesn't necessarily have to be a visible or prominent feature, but rather a potential option for those who may be interested in it.
Ultimately, I respect the stance on remaining a free service and promoting financial independence between themselves and exaroton.
(If the thread gets closed after this reply, thank you for taking the time to consider my suggestion.)
Greetings, Aternos team and respected community members.
I would like to propose a suggestion that may enhance the financial aspect of Aternos (and benefit the players involved). Although Exaroton exists, not many people have enough money to keep their servers up and running actively. That's why my proposal could be a sort of kickstarter for switching from Aternos to Exaroton.
With appropriate implementation, the service could potentially feature tiered options, including a low-cost option for small network servers that would allow the majority of players to have the very core basics. For larger servers, the cost could be higher.
In addition, the tiers could be based on server size, with a daily count of players over a short span of time used to determine the server size.
Furthermore, as part of this membership, you would be granted the option to install the Tebex (also known as BuyMC) plugin. It seems like a great and balanced idea to me since you will make money and in return, Aternos will also benefit financially.
If people, however, do not want to switch from Aternos to Exaroton, that's their decision. But the thing is, they will still be benefiting Aternos by paying the proposed membership fee.
I sincerely hope that my suggestion resonates with you and is taken into thoughtful consideration.
just a random question
u should add tebex, i cant suggest it on the official page since its "too technical"
please and thank you https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/buycraft.336/
You can only upload your worlds, addons, datapacks etc. You can't upload custom mods/plugins https://support.aternos.org/hc…ding-files-and-FTP-access
fair enough then a good idea would be suggesting plugins from github links
u couldve uploaded files previously why cant u now (i saw this in a video that u could upload stuff and i tried it and it says "cant upload here")
Do you have any else plugin please? This one doesn't seem to work.
Okay thank you!
Hello, I'm currently making a Hypixel ripoff. But that's off the point.
Does anyone have an anti-grief plugin? But like so you can step on pressure plates, and right-click villagers (because of marketplace shops) or so you can pvp (because of arenas).
If anyone knows plugins like these, please let me know. Thank you!
Okay, thank you!
Does anyone have a 1.16 authentication plugin? The one that requires u to type "/login password" or "/register password password". I saw it in a server but they have the /plugins command locked to permissions normal players don't have.
If you have or know one, please let me know. Thank you.
Hello, this is my first post on the Aternos Board although I use Aternos for a long time. I came up with this suggestion of Aternos Pro..
Basically, a paid version of Aternos. Okay so, how that would work is like 4 (in my case) euro every month, and it will grant you features like
Skip queue
24 hours hosting
Remove the ".aternos.me" domain or replace it with like ".atn.me" (if you remove the aternos,me domain, u have the ability to set it to like play.naaqcraft.xyz or with atn.me like naaqcraft.atn.me)
And more stuff maybe?
Okay, thats all from me. Should Aternos do this type of Pro thing? There shouldn't be any changes to Aternos non-paid version if this gets approved tho. To be honest, I would buy the Aternos Pro and I'm sure Aternos would make alot of money by this Pro system so then Aternos can buy more and more servers and like this, but that's just my opinion. You're able to vote on this. Thank you for reading my suggestion!