You can always try, but we can't answer you first hand
Ah I see, alright.
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You can always try, but we can't answer you first hand
Ah I see, alright.
I had a post like this last year on December but it was unanswered, so I ask again. Do Server optimizing mods like ferritecore, starlight or AI improvements work on aternos modded server?
Yeah I actually figured out it was the RoadRunner mod by just doing it in client side
Dear , I would like to know if Server Sided Optimizing mods like FerriteCore or AiImrpovements work?
Dear ,Need to know what happened to resolve it quickly
Maybe, Maybe not.
I see, interesting, so what aternos is just missing is the way on where to place the content packs, since their mod system doesn't' do that although if you were to revamp the mod system when deemed necessary, will you take into account for flans mod and its content packs to be added?
Dear, I wanted to know if you will revamp the mod system anytime soon
, well to allow mods like flan's mod which needs content pack cause I believe most of the modded players here on aternos would really appreciate you to revamp it so we can have a better time using your service and maybe because most of us usually use flans mod.
Remove the mods one by one from your server.
Every time you remove a mod from your server, you need to restart it, then check if the problem still occurs.
If the problem doesn't occur anymore, know that it was probably due to the modification you last removed.
Did that, it worked tysm!
Hello , please update this mod to 1.16, my friend informed me it is only available for 1.12 and not 1.16
I have been trying to open my modded server, but it really cant open, here is the log
help me your my only hope
Dear, I'm wondering which is better Magma or Mohist, and which version is the best for an aternos server 1.12 or 1.16.
Nmv here I understand now here is my server log
Please share your log at
do I just put the link I got from my server log?
Hello, I have been having trouble spawning vehicles from the crayfish vehicle mod, I'm not sure what's wrong at all since it is supposed to be working, I'm not sure if it's the mod fault, mohist fault, or the server itself due to it being free hosting, I'm thinking its mohist since its somewhat new.