Hey there!
I'd like Aternos to add the "Project Rails" server software to their available server types. It is a vanilla-based server mod that includes most of the "essentials" commands, such as /sethome, /home, /bal and more (full list). In addition to that, it comes with a chat censor (can be toggled), announcer (can be toggled), janitor for removing ground items (can be toggled) and its own plugin API. The first release of the software was today (thread) -- version 17w17a for Minecraft 1.11.2.
All releases are posted to Github in this repository.
Site: https://projectrails.org
Github: https://github.com/Project-Rails/
Discord: https://projectrails.org/discord/
Releases: https://projectrails.org/releases/
I am currently the only developer of the software, and I am open to answering any questions.