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forgot to tell you that world guard doesnt work
whoever wants can just break spawn or other places
im a bit mad with you because the server almost got destroeyd
when i downloaded a plugin that wanted your password you told be to remove it and now sharjeel joined with my acc opped his alts and ipbanned me. also we cant unban me because advancedban's ipbans are broken on every server and now i joined with an other account using a VPN
im now downloading a vpn blocker andi will delete advanced bans so i can join again the server!
i will add maxbans
also big thanks to mathias who saved us because sharjeel didnt know he was staff
it was 69
hello im making a forum page for our server
my name there is MrLipo
also please dont mind the things i have posted, they will be replaced
you need a steam account
owais.offical is shotgun thats why he has builder rank
let me know your name so i can put you as owner
Nice job on it, i will make an account soon
i think it is almost done, also should i hide the player reports and the ban appeals template thread?(it is hidden rn, im waiting for your response)
im thinking of announcing our forums on discord as PRE Forums
i can color the website whatever you want, it was light blue and now it's yellow and i can change it if you want
you can do what ever you want to, i am leaving the server in your hands.