DarkStar Helper
- Member since Apr 14th 2015
- Last Activity:
- Posts
- 997
- Reactions Received
- 150
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- 5,170
- Profile Hits
- 6,176
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For help regarding Aternos, we recommend you to visit our support center.
hello, I have a problem on the aternos server, which is that I can't break blocks. Do you know the solution to that problem?
Which is best way to trll peopl in aaternos erver
Reason: Ignorant
how can i add vault to 1.12
Thanks, I pop in once in a while. I just read your last post on my account and lmaoooo, it's always fun to see people write on my page. I like helping people
Yeah, same.
Although i believe walls shouldn't be used for help but for normal things.
Also looking back at that, that was a year ago.. I was helper only recently back then i think, and got mod on the discord only a few months before that
I was very active back in 2015 because I loved the aternos community and i was looking for a free server host since I was just a kid. Then after a while of being active on the forums and helping people, I got the helper role. I just joined the discord, and it's a little chaotic. Over the past few years I've been going to college and haven't used Aternos in a while because my PC can handle basically any modpack now, so I dont have to worry about not having enough power. Fun fact, I actually got Aternos their instagram name
They used to be Aternosorg because someone had Aternos, then one day when I was looking, I saw no one had it, so i snagged it for them
Yeah, discord is especially a bit chaotic due to the queue times currently and 1.16 having come out today (always fun). Lucky with the pc
And that instagram name was lucky, i never knew this. Nice to know tho! How's it going in college?
It's a sad day. Diamonds will always be #1 in my heart
Netherrite is overrated (jk unless...)
College has been going really well and really fast. I just finished up my 3rd year, so Im a senior now on my last year of my undergraduate program. Im majoring in computer science and minoring in business administration, and im hoping to go to graduate school to get a masters in business administration. Not so sure what i want to do yet but i love coding/programming
Please can you add flan's mod and alcara content pack to mods on aternos very please🙏🙏🙏🙏
Better late than never, you can make a mod suggestion in the forums.
i would like to have my account re activated if possible or direct me to the proper staff
Happy belated 1 year of having a deactivated account. (jk ily <3)
FaZeDarkStar's account is NOT a support page, its a wall where you can ask him how it's going for example. Please make an actual support thread over at one of the tabs depending on the situation! I will comment this to every person asking for support here from now on. You may find this overdramatic but this is the hard thruth.
- Aternos ( discord ) helper James
you will see this message at every wall that has support questions in it. Please be aware
how do u get to the new thingamob
you just ask it nicely and youll get the thingamob from the thingamabob.
estou criando um serve de minigames e quero colocar sistema de vips ja crei o site mas com eu consigo a pasta do serve
Hablo poco espanol. Lo sieto. No se possible.
How would I be able to get Optifine on the server when it's not available on the mods list??
optifine is client side, so the server does not need the mod, only you do.
Hey FaZeDarkStar i want to ask u something, why do i cant use beta plugin on my server??
Im assuming aternos only uses fully released plugins, sorry
i want yo join your server is very cool :}
I dont use my server too often anymore
what is you server ip:
Dont have one
hi all
i m new -
hey ur comment on groupermslite helped me a lot all tho it took me time ive got my ranks all done
HI im new her, my english is not so good ... but i have a question. how can i write in a chat?
hey, is there anyway to fix this issue, i start a server and then it says stopping 5 minutes later, never gets a chance to start
can you please add groupmanager
Can aternos.org add the Flans mod
Kann aternos.org die Flans mod hinzufügen
Are we going to be able to add Single mods yet? Or is it not added in?
Any one Can help me?
What's wrong?
Bro I Got A Question Is There A Way To Replace My Player Capacity 10 to like 2000 or 10000 If There Is Way Pls Tell Me
And Can I Upload My Modpack Pls Answer Both Of This Question-
10 is max and you cant upload your own modpack sorry
Recently my account got suspended for the following reason: trying to circumvent the automatic server shutdown; I just wanted to know if I could at least get my world back. I didn't use any bots at all and i usually play with my friends for a long time and sometimes my friends can be ban playing for long hours from the server automatickly and sometimes we do close the server just so the others users can open their servers since your platform is free.
I spent a lot of time…
please help me