I have questions about what certain things are in server.properties.

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  • I don't know much about the server.properties file and I am trying to change a few things and there are some things I do not understand.

    - Why is the view distance max at 10 when it can go higher in minecraft?

    - What is the Generator setting?

    - What are Resource Pack SHA-1 and Resource Pack prompt?

    - What is OP permission level and function permission level

    - What does Entity broadcast range do?

  • Ok I don't know much about how things work but I'll share whatever I know

    Why is the view distance max at 10 when it can go higher in minecraft?

    Loading and generating the world is one of the hardest task for the server to perform. So if the render/simulation distance is high the server might get a bit laggy

    What is the Generator setting?

    In simple terms its basically terrain generation. Lets say you want to create a super flat world then you can do so by editing it. I have no idea what the tags or parameters are. So better refer to google on this one.

    What are Resource Pack SHA-1 and Resource Pack prompt?

    SHA-1 is used to tell the members of the server to download the server's resource pack.

    What is OP permission level and function permission level?

    OP stands for operator. when a player is made an operator ( you can do so by typing the command /op player_name) they get access to cheats and some benefits like non op player cannot interact with chests(is spawn protection=16) etc. And now about your question operator level, simply splits this op benefits into four levels.

    LevelHighest level of access
    Level 1Ops can bypass spawn protection. No commands are assigned to this level of operator.
    Level 2Ops can use /clear, /difficulty, /effect, /gamemode, /gamerule, /give, /summon, /setblock and /tp, and can edit command blocks.
    Level 3Ops can use /ban, /deop, /kick, and /op.
    Level 4Ops can use /stop.

    A level 2 operator can have level 1 benefits but not level 3's. Hope that makes sense.

    What does Entity broadcast range do?

    I'm not entirely sure on this one. But its more like the distance at which mobs will be taken over by the AI ig. Lets say its set to 10 blocks then an entity (lets say a cow) wouldn't move if the player is more than 10 blocks away from the cow. only when they are less than 10 blocks away the cow will begin to move.

    find my name

    (hint: 69|68|87|73|78)